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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

I have big visions for Homan. I think he has the physical and mental ability to be the man on D along with JL. He seems to be a "right place at the right time" kind of guy to me. Can't wait to see him play as a Jr.
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If Small gets Ginn's spot
Who gets Gonzo's slot receiver position? Hartline? Dukes? Or maybe Frosh Sanesbecher(sp)
So, we got Robo out wide with Small.
And Hartline in the slot. With the "Great Dane".
I hope Lyons gets healthy and competes for playing time out wide.
And Dukes better step up or get passed.
We will need guys like Small and Hartline to come up big, early.
Got to help the new QB as much as possible.
TE will be a factor also.
Small has speed.
Hartline has speed.
Maybe Reynolds can work some magic with the other guys speed.
All Robo lacks is down field speed like Small/Hartline.
I haven't put Saine in this group because I believe he goes to running back because of need.
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Gonzo's Replacement

Who gets Gonzo's slot receiver position? Hartline? Dukes? Or maybe Frosh Sanesbecher(sp)

That's Dane Sanzenbacher and he has been compared to Gonzo all season. This would be a very good opportunity for him. He has the speed, hands and has very good field awareness. Dane was also the backup QB as a junior and senior at Toledo Central Catholic. He returned punts and kickoffs as well as playing CB. JT will find a spot for him, I'm sure. Dane's a play maker.
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i think the running game and the defense will be strong. Soem WRs are gona need to step up, which i think will happen. I think lack of experience at qb will be somewhat of an issue. But with as good as a coaching staff as we have, we can work out the kinks. 07' does indeed look good.
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Taosman;714768; said:
If Small gets Ginn's spot
Who gets Gonzo's slot receiver position? Hartline? Dukes? Or maybe Frosh Sanesbecher(sp)
So, we got Robo out wide with Small.
And Hartline in the slot. With the "Great Dane".
I hope Lyons gets healthy and competes for playing time out wide.
And Dukes better step up or get passed.
We will need guys like Small and Hartline to come up big, early.
Got to help the new QB as much as possible.
TE will be a factor also.
Small has speed.
Hartline has speed.
Maybe Reynolds can work some magic with the other guys speed.
All Robo lacks is down field speed like Small/Hartline.
I haven't put Saine in this group because I believe he goes to running back because of need.

IMO Dukes sees time on the outside with Robo and Small. I think Hartline will man the slot and play on the outside in 2 receiver sets with him and Robo.

I don't see Lyons ever being a factor. I believe he is still battling that injury...

I am not so sure on Robo's lack of down field speed, he may not be as fast as the guys like Ginn, but he was never really asked to stretch the field. Also he has the jump ball ability with his height that I think will help him being a deep threat.

I think we may see Saine as a WR out of the backfield. May put him in the Shot Ginn formation. I also think Small and Dukes will see time in that role as well. I don't envision the staff getting rid of that as it helps some of the smaller recievers be able to get off the line without anyone hitting them.

I also think that we are going to have a great group of blocking recievers as we have seen Hartline hit on kickoffs, Robo has great size and I have gotten reports that might of been some of what was keeping Dukes off the field, but he reportedly had improved.
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I think next year is gonna be a really fun year for the Bucks. The expectations will be reasonably lower, but we have a lot of young weapons that will have a chance to show what they've got. The two I'm most excited about are Small and Saine. Both are terrific athletes and I'm curious how JT and the staff will utilize there talents. Obviously losing Troy will change the playbook some, but I think the vanilla days of '03 and early '04 are gone.

We're gonna take some lumps with a new QB and the losses of a lot of key people on offense, but another 10 win season is a real possibility.
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I think overall the defense looks pretty good and the kicking game comes back intact. Obviously QB is a concern. As much as I love what Pittman has done here, if he indeed decides to leave, Beanie may actually be an upgrade. Hopefully MO Wells sticks around, he'll be dangerous as hell catching balls out of the backfield. We have enough at WR to keep the opposition off-balance.

So the keys to the season are going to be our Special teams and our defense. Whoever plays QB needs to work within the system and minimize mistakes as the offense establishes an identity.

Smells like "Tressel-Ball" to me, and I like it. Peace.
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So lets see if I got this straight? A new QB, an young but amazing RB, other questions surrounding the offense...yet a vetern defense returning. The Buckeyes coming off a bowl loss, Jim Tressel, and pre-season polls having Ohio State somewhere around 10th? Sound familiar?
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JonathanXC;715123; said:
So lets see if I got this straight? A new QB, an young but amazing RB, other questions surrounding the offense...yet a vetern defense returning. The Buckeyes coming off a bowl loss, Jim Tressel, and pre-season polls having Ohio State somewhere around 10th? Sound familiar?

That would be to good to be true...
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Redshirts of '06 eager to make an '07 impact

Friday, January 12, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Staying in the Arizona hotel room right next door, Ohio State redshirt linebacker Thaddeus Gibson happened upon sophomore starting linebacker James Laurinaitis in the days before Monday's national championship.
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