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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

7Brutus7;698703; said:
but i believe that if JT hands the reigns over to Antonio Henton then the transition will be better because his style is sooooo similiar to Smith's

Have you seen Henton play, or are you just assuming that because of their "physical similarities"?
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thanks for the reading material, msj. you put some time and effort into that. though i agree with much that you stated, i do disagree with this:
11/3/07 - Wisconsin W - With Stocco, Wisky only moderatley found a passing game, without him they'll be in deep trouble, their defense and running game will be good as usual, but our defense will be too tough for Hill. Not to mention the Columbus factor.
tyler donovan will be a fine replacement, as was shown when he stepped in this season. he has the ability; he just needs the experience that the off-season will provide. the first five games of wisky's 2007 season should yield comfortable wins. i don't see wisky having more than two losses next year, winning at least one facing tsun, psu, and osu. if the team can adequately replace thomas and their two safeties, the big ten will be a three--possibly four--team race: tsun, osu, wisky, and psu to a lesser extent.
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i love ohio state but i see 3 losses in 2007

penn state-with an improved morelli and their above average defense lead by dan connors, i predict a 24-14 score with beanie scoring both tds.

wisconson-will be a close game with a p.j hill v.s. beanie wells match-up to decide who's the best runningback in the big 10..28-24..yes beanie's team lose but he rushes for 201 yards with 3 td's

michigan-34-28-great game but this year is michigan's year..they win it all
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g3t_mon3y;698723; said:
i love ohio state but i see 3 losses in 2007

penn state-with an improved morelli and their above average defense lead by dan connors, i predict a 24-14 score with beanie scoring both tds.

wisconson-will be a close game with a p.j hill v.s. beanie wells match-up to decide who's the best runningback in the big 10..28-24..yes beanie's team lose but he rushes for 201 yards with 3 td's

michigan-34-28-great game but this year is michigan's year..they win it all

OSU_Buckguy;698724; said:
the bar is set low for your first post.

I would disagree with get$ predictions, but there is nothing wrong with him saying OSU might lose 3 games next year. Oh, incidentally, I might go ahead and disagree with Get$ predictions at a later date.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;698748; said:
I would disagree with get$ predictions, but there is nothing wrong with him saying OSU might lose 3 games next year. Oh, incidentally, I might go ahead and disagree with Get$ predictions at a later date.
i didn't say that there is anything wrong. i just think that he sets the bar low for next year's victory tally. i see ohio state likely going 4-1 against tsun, wisky, psu, illinois, and iowa... but that's a prediction i'll feel more comfortable making after the spring and especially after the first few games.
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OSU_Buckguy;698757; said:
i didn't say that there is anything wrong. i just think that he sets the bar low for next year's victory tally. i see ohio state likely going 4-1 against tsun, wisky, psu, illinois, and iowa... but that's a prediction i'll feel more comfortable making after the spring and especially after the first few games.
It's cool. I misunderstood you to be saying the guy was making a ding worthy post.
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I'll make bold predictions down the road about next season. That being said, I think that Michigan will be the clear favorite to win the Big Ten next year. Reason being, the media loves offense........and they return some very big names.
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OSU_Buckguy;698757; said:
i didn't say that there is anything wrong. i just think that he sets the bar low for next year's victory tally. i see ohio state likely going 4-1 against tsun, wisky, psu, illinois, and iowa... but that's a prediction i'll feel more comfortable making after the spring and especially after the first few games.
We don't play Iowa next year.
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g3t_mon3y;698723; said:
michigan-34-28-great game but this year is michigan's year..they win it all

Well, I will need to see what our team is like next year before I can think one way or the other on the scUM game. A lot of things to consider as well, we have to go into thier house, sure, but Henne hasn't exacly shown he's reliable in the big game. Honestly, I think his reaction in the USC game will go a long way towards next years matchup, if he chokes to the Trojans, then it's a pretty safe bet he's gonna find a way to lose against the bucks next year.
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