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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

Exactly! I'm glad you were able to Abe Lincoln my post up a little!! Jeesh, some people try to go to far with their analysis' :biggrin:

lol, thats a little ironic cause i honestly didnt really read your post until just now.....it was late when i posted that and i dont have that concentration for that long after about 1 a.m.

but cheers to having similar feelings about Henton:drunks:
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After a long day at work, this will be my attempt at making up for all the posts I missed throughout the day... bare with me again, haha!
Originally Posted by OSU_Buckguy
thanks for the reading material, msj. you put some time and effort into that. though i agree with much that you stated, i do disagree with this:
No problem, glad you enjoyed it. I also definitley see your point in Donovan being a sufficient replacement for the Badgers next year after losing Stocco, however, I stand by my prediction and believe that Tressel will want to to begin his revenge on Swissconsin. I truly believe being in Columbus will make all the difference in that game, because we all know how Camp Randall has treated us in recent years.
Originally Posted by OSU_Buckguy
we'll still beat them.
Haha, I agree!
Originally Posted by Taosman
MSU, at Penn State and adding Wisconsin in a row will be a tough stretch!
Again I really don't see how we should be worried about such a broken Michigan State team next year. The other two I agree with, but again I think the Illinois game will be much more of a fight than the poor Spartans will be able to give us.
Originally Posted by 3yardsandacloud
I'm still livin' in the "now" as well, but the time and effort of a well reasoned post deserves a GPA. Thanks for the read msj.
Thanks very much for the recognition, again glad all of you guys enjoyed reading my post!
Originally Posted by 7Brutus7
lol, thats a little ironic cause i honestly didnt really read your post until just now.....it was late when i posted that and i dont have that concentration for that long after about 1 a.m.

but cheers to having similar feelings about Henton
Hahaha, I really don't know how I was even able to type up such a post at that hour! Adding the colors too, now that takes some skill my friend!

Again, though, thanks for the GPA, it's great to finally get one of those badboys! Also heres again hoping for a heck of a finish to this amazing 2006 season!! Then around Jan. 15th or so (once everyone's recovered from the game) we can all get back to this thread and tear each other apart on how we think the 2007 season will go, as we'll definitley be needing some discussion material to help us get through such long non-football months!
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msj2487;699671; said:
Then around Jan. 15th or so (once everyone's recovered from the game) we can all get back to this thread and tear each other apart on how we think the 2007 season will go, as we'll definitley be needing some discussion material to help us get through such long non-football months!

Amen to that

More than one "Insider" agrees with you that Henton is the frontrunner to take the helm next year. I see it to, Tress and Joe D. love his skill set.
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Herbie's Super Early Top 5

1. USC
2. LSU
3. Florida
4. Michigan
5. Rutgers

1. Florida
2. LSU
3. USC
4. West Virginia
5. Michigan

1. USC
2. LSU
3. Michigan
4. Texas
5. West Virginia
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The guy at S/I has Ohio State (#4) ranked ahead of scUM (#7):

It looks like SIOC got one right last night when we predicted a Florida win. Frankly, however, we've been talking about the national championship game for two months now and we're sick of it. It's time to look ahead to 2007. SI.com's Stewart Mandel posted his Top 10 for next season. Despite Florida's triumph last nigh, Pete Carroll's boys own the top spot. Here's how Mandel's rankings look:

1. USC
2. LSU
3. Florida
4. Ohio State
5. West Virginia
6. Wisconsin
7. Michigan
8. Louisville
9. Texas
10. Virginia Tech

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New look for sobered Bucks

Departing veterans pose challenge for 2007 season
Wednesday, January 10, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Glendale, Ariz.- As Ohio State attempts to make sense of its worst loss since 1994 and its worst bowl loss since 1978, the Buckeyes won't have many seniors next fall to turn to in the search for answers.
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Maybe the loss still stings, but I do not see us being a top 5 team next year. Maybe not even top 10. However, not in my wildess dreams did I think we would be playing for the MNC this year either so who knows.

Go Bucks
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g3t_mon3y;698723; said:
i love ohio state but i see 3 losses in 2007

penn state-with an improved morelli and their above average defense lead by dan connors, i predict a 24-14 score with beanie scoring both tds.

wisconson-will be a close game with a p.j hill v.s. beanie wells match-up to decide who's the best runningback in the big 10..28-24..yes beanie's team lose but he rushes for 201 yards with 3 td's

michigan-34-28-great game but this year is michigan's year..they win it all

Pains me to say it, but you're prolly right. Esp. with so many starters returning for Wisconsin and key OLmen at Michigan. Penn State is almost always a challenge.

But heck...I thought losing the Mighty Three last year was going to hurt us, and we still pulled out an undefeated season. I just hope the team can gel and find itself early on.
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