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2007 Fall Practice Tidbits

Jaxbuck;901362; said:
So per Heacock the secondary as of right now would be

Coleman, Russel-safties
Jenkins, Washington-corners

Interesting to see if it ends up that way.

The starting four was pretty much set day one of spring ball.

I'm sure the coaches love Moeller, in terms of his aggression and speed. However, he doesn't know how to play the ball yet. He's a red-shirt freshman. They'll play him when he's ready.

Chekwa is the next guy. They'll trying to throw him in there and see how he handles it. If not, we got Lane. Clifford will also be getting reps.
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i think a rotation of vern, wilson, worthington, dex, denlinger, rose, heyward, barrow and nadar has the potential to be dominant...as for small..i hope the ankle doesnt keep him out b/c they need a playmaker...but i could also see saine and washington getting more time to step up...wells has to be durable this year...first the ankle in spring and now the stinger...worried
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I still can't get over our defense. They look like NFL players already. Gholston, Wilson, Rose, Laurinaitis, Freeman, Grant, Jenkins, Gant, all of them. They all look intimidating. I could really see this being a top 3 defense in the entire country.
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What sticks out to me is that every time a different coach or player speaks up about which freshman have impressed, just about every player in the '07 class name has come up. Only players I think that haven't been mentioned was Blankenship, who is injured. Sounds like Washington is going to be a stud...I would love nothing more than to see him striking the pose in scUM's endzone, followed by a little rose-in-the-teeth action :biggrin:
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tired;901860; said:
The killer to me is the so few seniors. I can't believe there's not enough to have as captians. Can't imagine what this team could be with everybody coming back next year as seniors.

You could say the same for the 2006 team and this 2007 team, I can only hope we have one of the 2003 years where all the juniors come back! :biggrin:
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Absolutely ridiculous how the recruiting guru's have consistently labeled this as a "down" or "bad" recruiting haul for the Bucks. No friggin way! Everyone of these guys have come in ready to go. How do you decide who redshirts?!? They cant all play but who gets left out? Injuries are about the only way I can see some of them not getting on the field. The depth chart is going to be exactly that, deep. I got chills this morning looking at those pictures and this years defense is going to be outstanding. I don't see a weakness at this point except maybe experience at corner which will most likely work itself out really soon.

If Boeckman/Schoenhoft/Henton can just move the offense, we are in for another special year.
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