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2007 Fall Practice Tidbits

and that leads to the Coop conundrum, which was repeated by the '06 team: blow everyone out, then wilt when you actually get challenged, or play a lot of close games, and gut out a bunch of tough wins at the expense of future experience... it's a rather difficult balance to achieve.
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lvbuckeye;902349; said:
whoa. the '96 D only gave up 10.91 PPG. the '98 D only gave up 12 PPG. the '02 D only gave up 13 PPG. the '05 D gave up 15.25 PPG. the '06 D only gave up 12.77 PPG... all of those are great defenses, but none of them compare to the 1973 D which only allowed 5.7 PPG, pitched FOUR shutouts, and only allowed double digits twice (10, 13)...

in order for this to rank among the all time great defenses at Ohio State, we're looking at a team must allow fewer than 14 PPG. to be mentioned as the greatest ever, these guys are going to have to be RIDICULOUSLY good... i'm talking PS2 on sophomore difficulty level good.

enthusiasm is one thing, but don't set your standards so high that the only possible result is disappointment.

Yeah, but he said in his lifetime, so that probably cuts out the '73 team... old man. :tongue2:
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I'll echo DBB and others, unless someone is <11 years old this isn't going to be the best defense you've seen in your lifetime.

My unofficial D rankings over that span:

1) 1996
2) 2002
3) 2003
4) 1998
5) 2005

1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006 DNQ to be rated

2007 has some serious work to do to even jump past #4 imo.
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lvbuckeye;902349; said:
whoa. the '96 D only gave up 10.91 PPG. the '98 D only gave up 12 PPG. the '02 D only gave up 13 PPG. the '05 D gave up 15.25 PPG. the '06 D only gave up 12.77 PPG... all of those are great defenses, but none of them compare to the 1973 D which only allowed 5.7 PPG, pitched FOUR shutouts, and only allowed double digits twice (10, 13)...

Not to mention 3 straight shutouts amongst their 4 shutouts, along with allowing a single TD in 7 games (also allowed 2 FGs in those 7 games). Let that sink in for a minute...one single TD in 7 games.

We'll never see a defense like the '73 defense, especially under Tressel with his substituting backups in blowouts to get them needed experience.
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Practice should be really good this fall, especially with the exhibition "scrimmage" they have scheduled with YSU!!

As good as we look, I feel a little embarassed to be playing them. I would rather see us playing a really GOOD team.

Or at least a I-A.

I know, I know, YSU is a good program. It's just....

on a different note, does anybody else wonder if Gholston has been taking his drug tests?? I am sure he is clean and I know they test, but man that dude is huge!
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Jaxbuck;902400; said:
I'll echo DBB and others, unless someone is <11 years old this isn't going to be the best defense you've seen in your lifetime.

My unofficial D rankings over that span:

1) 1996
2) 2002
3) 2003
4) 1998
5) 2005

1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006 DNQ to be rated

2007 has some serious work to do to even jump past #4 imo.

When you consider the competition, you really have to give the 02 defense a jump in the rankings. 13 points per game playing against some very good offenses.

It seemed like they went on a 3 week run, where the offense they played was the number one scoring offense in the country at the time.

-Penn State had Larry Johnson on his way to 2,000+yds

-Purdue had their basketball on grass

-Washington State had Jason Gesser who had been putting up a ton of points
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Buckeye Buh Nim;902430; said:
When you consider the competition, you really have to give the 02 defense a jump in the rankings. 13 points per game playing against some very good offenses.

It seemed like they went on a 3 week run, where the offense they played was the number one scoring offense in the country at the time.

-Penn State had Larry Johnson on his way to 2,000+yds

-Purdue had their basketball on grass

-Washington State had Jason Gesser who had been putting up a ton of points

Don't forget Cliffjumpin' Dingleberry...
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Buckeye86;902372; said:
Yeah, but he said in his lifetime, so that probably cuts out the '73 team... old man. :tongue2:
yeah well, technically it counts me out too because i was born in '75, but i've seen a bunch of footage from back then... either way, the point remains, young feller. :p
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Buckeye Buh Nim;902430; said:
When you consider the competition, you really have to give the 02 defense a jump in the rankings. 13 points per game playing against some very good offenses.

It seemed like they went on a 3 week run, where the offense they played was the number one scoring offense in the country at the time.

-Penn State had Larry Johnson on his way to 2,000+yds

-Purdue had their basketball on grass

-Washington State had Jason Gesser who had been putting up a ton of points
Gerdman's write-ups on the ozone of the defeated QBs warning next weeks victim of the damage that D would inflict were a riot that entire season. :osu:
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