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2006 NBA draft thoughts

THE KNICKS ARE ON THE CLOCK!"ESPN wisely works the MSG crowd into a hostile frenzy by showing the obligatory "KNICKS UNDER ISIAH THOMAS" graphic. Has there ever been rioting at an NBA draft before?
(Translation: The Knicks need to pick someone good.)
9:36 -- There are those moments in sports when you expect something great, and then it actually happens. And then there are those rare moments in sports when you expect something great, and something even greater happens. This was one of those moments: The Knicks on the clock, the crowd pushing for Marcus Williams, and then ...
--Stern: "With the 20th pick, the New York Knicks select ... Renaldo Balkman."
(Crowd explodes in horror.)
--Stern (over the boos): "Renaldo is not here."
--Patrick (without missing a beat): "And it's probably a good thing."
(Shot of a beaten-down Spike Lee laughing hysterically.)
Yup, just as funny reading it. :slappy:
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Wow, odd draft. Portland landed some good guys, but that was way too many trades, as Gregg Anthony said a million times over.

I believe this was the first time the Big Ten MVP - Terence Dials - wasnt drafted. That either says something about Dials, who made it public that he would rather go as a FA than locked in as a second round draft. Or that says something about the field of ball players, which I questioned last night after seeing a few big men from Europe (who seemed very raw and untested) go in the second round.
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I'm a Rockets fan, so I'm curious to see what your take is on the Rudy Gay + Stro Swift for Shane Battier trade. Frankly, I almost had a fucking heart attack when Gay fell to us...then almost had a stroke when I heard about the trade. A trade of a potential #1 pick to an in-division rival for a serviceable but unspectacular Shane Battier...when the Logo proposes a trade, you should automatically run away...
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I am not sure I agree with the popular media sentiment that the Cavs had a great draft. IMO, we already have Hughes to play the 2, so what we really needed was a PG. Instead, we drafted two 2's. Brown is a natural 2 and everyone is saying that Gibson doesn't have great PG skills. I don't know why Ferry didn't trade up to the Suns' spot, and we could have gotten Marcus Williams. They were obviously willing to deal the spot, as they traded it to the Celtics.
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I am not sure I agree with the popular media sentiment that the Cavs had a great draft. IMO, we already have Hughes to play the 2, so what we really needed was a PG. Instead, we drafted two 2's. Brown is a natural 2 and everyone is saying that Gibson doesn't have great PG skills. I don't know why Ferry didn't trade up to the Suns' spot, and we could have gotten Marcus Williams. They were obviously willing to deal the spot, as they traded it to the Celtics.

Honestly, I think the Cavs feel they spent too much for Hughes. But that's just my gut feeling.
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I am not sure I agree with the popular media sentiment that the Cavs had a great draft. IMO, we already have Hughes to play the 2, so what we really needed was a PG. Instead, we drafted two 2's. Brown is a natural 2 and everyone is saying that Gibson doesn't have great PG skills. I don't know why Ferry didn't trade up to the Suns' spot, and we could have gotten Marcus Williams. They were obviously willing to deal the spot, as they traded it to the Celtics.

Brown wasn't brought in to start immediatly. He was drafted so he can bring some scoring power off the bench thiis year as well as play defense. Hughes also has a history with injuries so Brown serves as some insurance also. And about Gibson, I think with some development, he could become a great PG aside LeBron. LeBron makes others around him better and I think he could easily do that with Gibson.
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This pretty much sums up the draft...

and Phoenix sells its pick to Portland for cash (with the Blazers grabbing Sergio Rodriguez). I love Phoenix's performance tonight -- they should have just put those two first-rounders on eBay. Way to look out for your fans, guys. And what about Portland's wheeling and dealing? They're like a drunk college kid randomly putting together an NBA Live team at 4 a.m. What a bizarre night. I can't get over it. We may have to retire the draft diary with Draft Diary X. I'm not sure this can be topped.

I mean, when Isiah is topped in stupidity by Danny Ainge, and it isn't even the most bizarre transaction of the night... you know you watched something special.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=wiretap_key_header>Farmar Gets Surprise Call From Kobe</TD></TR><TR><TD>30th June, 2006 - 10:32 am</TD></TR><TR><TD>
Associated Press - Less than 24 hours had passed since Jordan Farmar had been drafted by the L.A. Lakers and his cell phone had been ringing off the hook.

Low and behold, it rang again, but this time it was no ordinary call. On the other side of the phone was NBA superstar Kobe Bryant.

"That was the best way to start my career, to get a phone call from the best player in the NBA," Farmar said at a news conference.

Farmar said that the conversation lasted less than five minutes, but was very meaningful to him.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=wiretap_key_header>Gerry McNamara Gets Magic Offer To Play Summer Ball</TD></TR><TR><TD>30th June, 2006 - 10:22 am</TD></TR><TR><TD>USA Today - Gerry McNamara has accepted an offer to play for the Orlando Magic in the Orlando Summer League, the Associated Press is reporting.

McNamara, who finished as Syracuse's fourth all-time leading scorer, wasn't selected in the National Basketball Association draft held Wednesday.

McNamara's agent, Bill Neff, said the player had offers from four or five teams to attend their summer camps and play on their summer league teams.

"They (Orlando) wanted him the most," Neff told The Post-Standard of Syracuse. "They had the most interest. And they presented the best opportunity for him to play in summer league."

For all you Syracuse fans.

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Real GM

<TABLE cellSpacing=8 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=wiretap_key_header>Evans' Trade Could Help Re-Sign Ben</TD></TR><TR><TD>30th June, 2006 - 10:00 am</TD></TR><TR><TD>
Detroit Free Press - The trade of Maurice Evans to the Lakers on draft night might help the Pistons keep defensive powerhouse Ben Wallace, the Detroit Free Press is reporting. Removing Evans' salary from the team's payroll might help keep the team out of luxury tax waters.

Dumars said Evans' agent, Roger Montgomery, made it clear he'd rather go elsewhere if his playing time wasn't going to increase. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I've still heard Chicago is trying to pursue Big Ben. That wouldn't help us though because Chicago has a very good team now also. I wanted him to go way out west to LA, but that doesn't seem likely anymore.
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I am not sure I agree with the popular media sentiment that the Cavs had a great draft. IMO, we already have Hughes to play the 2, so what we really needed was a PG. Instead, we drafted two 2's. Brown is a natural 2 and everyone is saying that Gibson doesn't have great PG skills. I don't know why Ferry didn't trade up to the Suns' spot, and we could have gotten Marcus Williams. They were obviously willing to deal the spot, as they traded it to the Celtics.

This team needs shooters that can play defense, more than they need a point. We played all last season with Snow at the point. What did that get us? It got them to the conference semi-finals with Snow and Jones as the point guards. Snow at the point was just an invitation to opponents to say "screw it, we don't need to guard Snow".

The bottom line is that LeBron will play most of the time with the ball in his hands, thereby reducing the need for a 'true' point. Besides, either one of the 2 new guys are more than capable of guarding the pg from the other team.

Snow and Jones both played point last year and neither was capable of driving to the hole. These Brown and Gibson may not be the complete answer, but they're certainly a step in the right direction.

At this poin,, I just have a feeling that they're going to re-sign Gooden. I've heard he only want's 4 years at 7M a year. If they sign him for that, they can always trade him anytime, with such a favorable contract.
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Ummm, isn't Gibson a PG? Can't Brown play PG? Would I feel comfortable if they brought up the ball? Not really but the Cavs don't need that. They have Hughes & LeBron that can bring up the ball. But what the Cavs need in a PG is #1 Defend the opposing PG #2 Hit an open shot and then #3 sometimes bring up the ball or start the offense in the half court. And that is what Brown & Gibson can do.

Really Brown takes over the Flip Murray role on this team as Flip isn't coming back. Brown becomes the 6th/7th man off the bench. Brown will come in for Snow and then either Hughes or LeBron will bring the ball up. Brown can defense the opposing PG and he can hit an open jumper.

Now for Gibson, he will be on the bench for most of the season. He is there to develop as a starting PG of the future. They will work with him on ball handling to make him be a more true PG. Oh yeah, Gibson can defend and he can shoot the ball from anywhere. So in a pinch he is the 3rd PG on the team.

I see nothing wrong with these picks and I am happy. Now I would have been really pissed if Gibson went at #25, but luckily the Cavs got lucky that someone was there that they would take over him. But Gibson is a 2nd rounder... no high expectations and we can take time teaching him what we want him to do. He has all the tools we need, he just needs to learn them better.
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Gibson feels he fits Cavs' plans
Saturday, July 01, 2006 Branson Wright

Plain Dealer Reporter

Daniel Gibson's road to the NBA was right on track following a sensational freshman year at Texas.

After leading the team in scoring, assists and steals, he appeared on his way to becoming the next great Texas point guard, and the comparisons to super quick T.J. Ford, traded Friday from Milwaukee to Toronto, began to flow. But something happened along the way. Gibson, freshman of the year in the Big 12, was moved to shooting guard midway into his sophomore year. The result? His scoring, field-goal percentage and assists dipped slightly. Gibson finished the year and, surprisingly to some, he was finished at Texas after just two seasons.

"I talked with my coach [Rick Barnes] and my parents and that's pretty much all I needed," Gibson said. "Sometimes you just reach that point in your life where you feel like you can make that step. You feel like you can graduate and take those steps forward. It was time for me and my family to experience something different."

Shannon Brown, the Cavaliers' No. 1 pick (25th overall) in the NBA Draft, and Gibson, the Cavs' first second-round pick (42nd overall), were introduced to the media on Friday at The Q. Many draft experts liked the Cavs' selections. In Brown they get a player whose style is similar to Dwyane Wade and in Gibson a player who reminds some of former Pistons guard Joe Dumars.

Coach Mike Brown is elated with the possibilities this fall.
"It'll be interesting to see how these guys pan out in their NBA careers," Brown said. "I know they're talented young guys that are willing to learn, and they're great people. We needed some basketball players and they're basketball players that are athletes. Anytime you can get the type of talent that we did, that just upgrades your whole team. I'm excited to have both of these guys."

The Cavs also are excited that Gibson has the ability to help the team improve on what they lacked last season. The Cavs finished the previous season last in the league in backcourt scoring at a little more than 17 points a game. If all goes well, Gibson will come off the bench this fall and not only display playmaking skills but knock down open jumpers and shoot with success off the dribble.

Gibson, who shot 41 percent from the field in two seasons at Texas, does not lack confidence in his game.

"I see a lot of Jason Terry and Chauncey Billups [in my game]," Gibson said. "I'm that mode of point guard."

Unlike Terry and Billups, Gibson fell to the second round and that was further indication to critics that he should have remained at Texas for at least another season. Former Cavs coach John Lucas believes otherwise.
"People that criticized him for coming out of college early didn't know that Texas lost some low-post presence that made Gibson so effective as a freshman," said Lucas, who has worked with Gibson in Houston during the past few summers. "[Former Texas center] Jason Klotz commanded a lot of attention and when he was double-teamed, that gave Gibson a lot shots. . . . Texas played more of an inside game this past year."

Nevertheless, Gibson made his decision and he is now a member of the Cavs. It is an opportunity not only to prove he made the right choice but an opportunity for something even bigger.

"Cleveland's the perfect place for me," Gibson said. "I get to be a part of greatness. LeBron James says it all. Being placed around him is the perfect opportunity for me to flourish."

Good to see both rookies excited to play in Cleveland. Then again, who wouldn't with LBJ? Besides Diop...:biggrin:
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