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2006 NBA draft thoughts

The ghost of Rick Pitino still haunts the Boston Celtics... in a roundabout way.

They traded today for Sebastian Telfair and now Rajon Rondo.

Telfair signed a LOI with Louisville and Pitino before forgoing that for the NBA. That same year, Rondo was coming out of HS in Louisville, and because of Telfair, Louisville didn't really recruit him very heavily, and he ends up at UK. Now the two will be sharing a lockerroom in Boston.
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I think you don't pass on a guy like Dee Brown for an underachiever. I can't stand players with "potential" that I don't think will ever be met. I like high energy guys that want to win. Daniel Gibson is not that guy.
brown underachieved... nay, disappeared at times (or for long stretches, like the osu upset, big10 tourney, and a few games into the dance two years ago).. He was extremely streaky.

I think he was a good yet overrated college player.
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The ghost of Rick Pitino still haunts the Boston Celtics... in a roundabout way.

They traded today for Sebastian Telfair and now Rajon Rondo.

Telfair signed a LOI with Louisville and Pitino before forgoing that for the NBA. That same year, Rondo was coming out of HS in Louisville, and because of Telfair, Louisville didn't really recruit him very heavily, and he ends up at UK. Now the two will be sharing a lockerroom in Boston.

The Celtics have made no sense today. If you just traded for a point guard that can't shoot (Telfair), why draft a point guard that can't shoot (Rondo)? I seriously think that Danny Ainge to ruin Paul Pierce's career by forcing triple teams on him.
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brown underachieved... nay, disappeared at times (or for long stretches, like the osu upset, big10 tourney, and a few games into the dance two years ago).. He was extremely streaky.

I think he was a good yet overrated college player.

I think he had little to no help last year. With Lebron, he could have flourished.

The Nets draft Hassan Adams. :slappy: Let's see. They have Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter. But they draft Hassan Adams?

That's it. I'm convinced that NBA executives are all mentally ill.
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Alright, I'm going to give the Cavs a C- in this draft. Shannon Brown was a decent pick, but Gibson and the Nigerian picks were wastes. We'd have been better off trading those picks to the Blazers for a can of Mello Yello.
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I think he had little to no help last year. With Lebron, he could have flourished.

The Nets draft Hassan Adams. :slappy: Let's see. They have Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter. But they draft Hassan Adams?

That's it. I'm convinced that NBA executives are all mentally ill.
You can never have too many guys playing the "slasher" position. Just ask the Knicks.
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