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2006 NBA draft thoughts

Pittsnogle didnt get drafted. I wonder do the Cavs try and sign him as a free agent? He could give us some offense out of the 4 spot. Only thing I read on the Nigerian player is that he is a defense and rebounding specialist. Those are two things the Cavs really need but we'll see how he does at 225 lbs.

Not sure about Gibson yet. If they want him at point I think he will be a better player. Texas kind of set him back this year by playing more of a two guard role. If he can keep his turnovers down, play good defense, and pass the ball to Lebron, he'd be an improvement on what we currently have.
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I'll gladly take the upgraded backcourt for the Cavs. Our guard shooting sucked donkey dicks all season. Murray was ok when he took it to the hoop, but beyond that, he couldn't hit the ocean if he was standing on the beach. Snow just killed our offense all season.

I like the fact that both of these guys are considered shooters that can play good defense. I think that I would also have had Dee Brown in the second, but I'll give Ferry the benefit of the doubt.
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The Celtics have made no sense today. If you just traded for a point guard that can't shoot (Telfair), why draft a point guard that can't shoot (Rondo)? I seriously think that Danny Ainge to ruin Paul Pierce's career by forcing triple teams on him.

Only Danny Ainge rivaled Isiah in this draft. They had a chance to have either Foye or Roy. I give Danny credit for getting rid of Raef, but for Theo Ratliff and Sebastian Telfair? Does Ratliff's agent have incriminating photos of Ainge? Did he hold a gun to Ainge's head? And why deal a future 1st round pick for Brian Grant, a guy who hasn't average double digit points or more than 20 minutes a game in the last three years, and the rights to Rondo, a guy who can't shoot a lick? The last time Grant was decent was in 2002 when he as a 10-10 guy for Miami. I can't wait to see the offer the Celtics make to the 76ers for Iverson. If it doesn't involve both Ratliff and Telfair, Danny Ainge should be hung.
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Round 1: Renaldo Balkman , SF, South Carolina (No. 20)

Mardy Collins, PG, Temple (No. 29)

Round 2: No picks

Analysis: From 1995 to 2004, the Knicks were the worst drafting team in the NBA, according to our John Hollinger. Isiah Thomas did a pretty good job of reversing course the last two years, but took two major steps backwards this year.

I understand why Thomas likes Renaldo Balkman -- he's the anti-Knick. He's a hard working, blue-collar athlete who scraps and fights for everything he gets. He doesn't want to shoot 20 times a game and doesn't have a 40-man entourage whispering in his ear about how great he is.

But I just don't think Balkman has the talent to warrant a first-round selection. He might have the right attitude, but I can't see him as anything more than a marginal role player in the NBA.

Given who was on the board when Thomas selected Balkman -- including Marcus Williams, Rajon Rondo and Shannon Brown -- I think this was a wasted pick.

The Knicks' second first-rounder was better -- sort of. Mardy Collins is a big combo guard who knows how to play. But his lack of athleticism and shaky jumper combined with the fact that the Knicks already have four combo guards on their roster means that he's unlikely to contribute much.

James Dolan said in a press conference this week that Isiah had a year to turn the Knicks around or he would be fired. I wonder if Isiah just moved up the timetable on his exit.

Grade: F

all my NBA dreams are coming true. the 1972-1973 76ers went 9-73. I bet Isiah can do worse than that.
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would anyone have been opposed to this idea (StadiumDorm)...take Brown with the first pick like they did, then take Alexander Johnson at #42 (the Pacers almost traded up to draft him at #24...he is being described as a poor man's Kenyon Martin, which would be a nice filler for Gooden) and then follow that up with a guy like Blalock at #55 (a ball handler who has some strength and can play some defense)? that would give you an athletic guy like Brown, who doesn't need to handle the ball that much because we know Lebron and Larry can bring it up the floor, a 6-10 banger to replace Gooden and a potential replacement for the aging Eric Snow. thoughts?
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All in all I'm quite pleased with the Cavs draft.As previously stated, both these guys give our backcourt shooting a much needed boost. As much as I appreciate what Flip did for this team, I literally would cringe every time he took a shot.
I would also like to thank the Knicks for giving me the biggest laugh I've had in sometime. I literally starting laughing when they chose that dude from South Carolina (can't remember his name) and seeing their fans and Spike Lee's reaction. Good stuff. :lol:
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A couple of things, thanks for the link to the NBA draft diary, hilarious.

Also about the Bulls, again :). I was bored so I looked last year at the number 2 and 4 picks. Marvin Williams at 2 cost 18 mil for 4 years, while number 4 Chris Paul cost 14 million for 4 years.

So that trade alone should save them about 4 million on his contract, when they wanted to take him anyways, great move.

As for the death of the Knicks, it looks like if Greg *IS* one and done, that the Bulls will end up with him thanks to the KNICKS next year pick; if they can't land him Noah wouldn't be a bad consolation prize. The Bulls will end up getting 2 first 5 draft picks for Eddy Curry, lol. Thank you Isah Thomas.
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Only Danny Ainge rivaled Isiah in this draft. They had a chance to have either Foye or Roy. I give Danny credit for getting rid of Raef, but for Theo Ratliff and Sebastian Telfair? Does Ratliff's agent have incriminating photos of Ainge? Did he hold a gun to Ainge's head? And why deal a future 1st round pick for Brian Grant, a guy who hasn't average double digit points or more than 20 minutes a game in the last three years, and the rights to Rondo, a guy who can't shoot a lick? The last time Grant was decent was in 2002 when he as a 10-10 guy for Miami. I can't wait to see the offer the Celtics make to the 76ers for Iverson. If it doesn't involve both Ratliff and Telfair, Danny Ainge should be hung.

I haven't lived in Massachusetts in years and it might finally be time for me to find a new team. Danny Ainge is a moron. :shake:
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I love the draft. I give Ferry an A-.

I was real suprised with the Brown pick but as I have already mentioned in this thread I loved it. Then since they made that pick they were able to get a pg that is every bit as good as some of the others drafted b4 him. The Cavs had personal workouts with him and they loved him and there were rumors they would take him at #25 but they got their man at #42. He was ranked as the number 5 prospect going into this year and yes I know he struggled, but I don't think he could find his role. He is a combo guard and I think he should flourish coming off the bench. They are making comparisons to Ben Gordon. If he turns out anything like him we got a steal. As for the Nigerian I am guessing they are going to leave him overseas and develop.

As for us not taking Brown I think it was a good idea. As Winslow said Brown dissapeared at many times this year and last year, and just was not what we were looking for.

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