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2006 Breakout/Surprise Players

How about instead of everyone just listing their picks, we get a little analysis/reasoning/any backup whatsoever.

O - Santonio Holmes: He'll be the first WR taken, but this is a huge down year for receivers in the draft. He may not go until the late first round, and he's a steal that far down. Remember, he estimates he was only at about 75% for much of this year due to a nagging foot injury. 100%...watch out.
D - Anthony Schlegel: A late round steal. While he may not be quite as fast, Schlegel did more than his share of playmaking stationed between Hawk and Carpenter. Also, his coaches rave about his natural leadership ability.

O - Roy Hall. In the spread, I see the coaches using Hall like a stand up tight end. If they try to play him with a LB, he's a huge matchup problem. Problem is, Marcel Frost is more than capable of filling this role, too. Sometimes there's just not enough ball to go around.
D - Quinn Pitcock. While he's been recognized as a very good DT for the last two seasons, he's been overshadowed by Hawk & Co. He's the biggest returning name on the defense this year, so the announcers and fans will focus more attention on his consistent disruption of opposing backfields. Look for him to move from All-Big Ten to All-America honors.
ST - Pretorious. Poised and ready to be the next great PK at OSU. Hopefully his age and maturity will help him handle the pressure, because even Nugent struggled at first.
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fine Ed :p

offense - dukes (rave reviews from everyone in practice, santonio clone, if he can lose the dropsies he'll be another good one)
hartline (great size with awesome speed, also produced positive practice rumblings)

not sure that both will get a full shot this year, with Ginn, Gonzo, Hall, Robiskie all likely to spend time on the field.

defense - o'neal (has the tools to become the 4th great SS at OSU in a row... outstanding speed, great nose for the ball, and hits like a truck)

special teams - grant/gibson (freakish speed, great size, will be terrors on special teams)
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I see all the names, obvious or maybe not, and if we're betting vcash on this, I'll take the field. My gut hunch says that it will be someone else that not's on everyone's list, but will come out like a Hawk, or a Malcolm Jenkins did. Unheralded or overshadowed, their wills and skills matched up to what the coaches perceive their needs to be.

Just a hunch, and maybe a hope. Reading all the missives, I'm starting to feel better about losing 9 off the D, and a big playmaker from the O. Maybe we're worth of a top 10 ranking at the start of next season. If the coaches can mold the players into a team, and if some seniors step up and be leaders, then we'll be better than OK.

Too early prediction => we'll beat Texas in Austin, and Michigan in C-bus.

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fine Ed :p

offense - dukes (rave reviews from everyone in practice, santonio clone, if he can lose the dropsies he'll be another good one)
hartline (great size with awesome speed, also produced positive practice rumblings)

not sure that both will get a full shot this year, with Ginn, Gonzo, Hall, Robiskie all likely to spend time on the field.

defense - o'neal (has the tools to become the 4th great SS at OSU in a row... outstanding speed, great nose for the ball, and hits like a truck)

special teams - grant/gibson (freakish speed, great size, will be terrors on special teams)

Does anyone know how all those WR's were positioned on the depth chart at the end of last season? Dukes, Robiskie, Hartline...what order? I'm trying to remember which ones played the most in mop-up time... I'm thinking Dukes and Robiskie...
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"Chris Wells" Plain and Simple

He will be nice to see scoring TDs in the red zone. Remember last year at the beginning of the year when we had this problem (scoring TDs in the red zone). Won't have it next year with this bruiser!

I'm definitely pumped about getting "Beanie" Wells @ tOSU and hope he has an instant impact as a different look from Tony P. But I don't think the lack of the huge bruiser RB was our problem in the red-zone last year as much as the lack of an established / confident Tony Pittman and Troy Smith being "out of sink" from his unfortuneate layoff from football.

Next year, with or without Chris Wells I don't forsee our Offense having any trouble at all in the red zone. Yet with that said, I'll take all the weapons we can get...and OOOH! what a weapon I expect C.W. to be.

To Northern Illinois Defensive Coordinator: 9-02-06
Troy Smith
Ted Ginn Jr.
Tony Gonzo
Tony Pittman
"Beanie" Wells...Good luck with all that! I'm sure the nightmares have already begun. :biggrin:
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Who will be big factor in the up coming season? Not incoming freshamn, but people sophmores, juinors, and seniors? I was just wondering is there are a couple of kids who are going to make an impact and they weren't highly rated recruits.
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Offense - Chris Wells, ... everyone in the Country will know him after the Texas game.

Defense - Gholston,... just looking at him, I'd be scared.:yow1:

Special Teams - Haw,... maybe he'll get his act together. Can't go with Pretorious, sounds like somebody from Gladiator. Why no Pretorious, he won't be kicking too many FGs; we're going for first-downs and touchdowns. Hopefully he'll have many opportunities to kick-off landing out of the endzone.
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Offense: Anthony Gonzales, you may be thinking that he has strarted for 2 years he is no surprise. Well I think he may become Troy's favorite target and become a true NFL prospect this season

Defense: Jamario O'Neal, with Whitner, Salley and Youboty gone Jamario is going to be a very important member of the defense.

Special Teams: Grant Swartz, He is going to be like SirJo Welch was a couple of years ago as a frosh.
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offense: i think roy hall because his size will cause big advantages for the passing attack. i see teddy being our speed. gonzo being our hands. and roy being our red zone weapon.

defense: i think it will be one of the linesbackers. i think the most likely will be d'andrea (bar injury) because its gunna be his last year, but i could easily see freeman or kerr being this one.
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2006 Postitional Breakdown

Posted this on another forum, just wanted to know what you guys thought; whether it's an accurate picture of next year's team.

tOSU position breakdown

QB - Upgrade
Every QB in the depth chart returns with a year of experience, and Troy Smith is on the Heisman short list.

RB - Upgrade
Same as our QB situation with the additional bonus of Chris Wells, one of the most highly touted runningback prospects in a while. Not to mention our 1000 yard rusher Pittman returns.

WR - Could improve or regress
Ginn has the potential to be dominant as a playmaking reciever, and Gonzalez is as fast and smart as Holmes, though he's less agile. This position will improve if one of the other recievers in the depth chart steps up and Ginn fills his potential, it will regress if not.

TE - Dramatic Upgrade
Marcel Frost is a tough, quick TE with great hands. Hamby, though a great buckeye, was a subpar reciever that dropped several high profile passes in dramatic fashion (The Texas drop in the end zone).

OL - Slight downgrade
More talent at the guard and tackle positions with Boone and Rehring, but Sims was a solid if not great guard and Mangold simply can't be replaced in one season.

DT - Upgrade
Pitcock is a solid tackle who could be great this season. He excels at swallowing o-lineman and allowing the ends and LBs to rush. Green was average, and his successor will be either Patterson or Penton, either of which will probably be an improvement over Green.

DE - Will downgrade slightly
Kudla was a beast, and will be missed. However, Lawrence Wilson and Vernon Gholston are both beasts in training, and have the physical potential to equal or surpass Kudla as a rush ends. Jay Richardson will have another year of experience and should improve.

LB - Downgrade
It's impossbable to replace 3 seniors as great as Hawk, Carpenter, and Schlegel. However, Larry Grant should inject some immediate experience and Kerr and D'Andrea both have gametime experience as well. The physical tools are there, the question is will they gel.

CB - Could improve or regress
Youboty played injured all season, and his replacement, Malcom Jenkins, has shown sparks of brilliance. Depending on whether he steps up, we could see an improvement. Everett was a solid, if not great CB but his replacement will be completely green and we'll likely see a downgrade at the #2 spot.

S - Downgrade
Donte Whitner was to the secondary what Hawk was to the linebackers, and will be irreplacable. Jamario O'neal has amazing potential however, and if he steps up, the growing pains will be lessened. Nate Salley will be a less painful replacement, since Brandon Mitchell has limited experience, but we'll still likely see a downgrade.


The offense will likely be the best we've ever seen under Tressel, but the defense is a definate question mark. However, they're not a weakness, and if they gel early a Buckeye #1 ranking isn't all that unreasonable. However, if they have serious growing pains, pencil in at least 2 losses for the Bucks.
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