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'10 FL S Matt Elam (Florida Verbal)

Can I play conspiracy theorist here. What if Urban wants these two to visit when Louis is here to help sway him back towards Florida? Is that a possibility or is it that kids don't like when they see the "business side" of collegiate athletics?

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ProudBuck67;1507569; said:
Can I play conspiracy theorist here. What if Urban wants these two to visit when Louis is here to help sway him back towards Florida? Is that a possibility or is it that kids don't like when they see the "business side" of collegiate athletics?


I highly doubt that. SEC coaches will do alot...but he wouldn't risk alienating two of his higher rated recruits just to sway back Louis. If he asked me to do that I would have decommitted on the spot.
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ProudBuck67;1507569; said:
Can I play conspiracy theorist here. What if Urban wants these two to visit when Louis is here to help sway him back towards Florida? Is that a possibility or is it that kids don't like when they see the "business side" of collegiate athletics?


That's happened before, but if Meyer wanted Louis so badly then he would have accepted his commitment two weeks ago.
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Pretty explosive kid. I see a ton of potential for Elam at strong safety or star. He looks every bit of 205 lbs. and plays with passion and no hesitation. I really like this offer/interest if there is any chance. Having said that, I'm not convinced Elam is a better prospect that Joyner.
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RB07OSU;1507607; said:
Pretty explosive kid. I see a ton of potential for Elam at strong safety or star. He looks every bit of 205 lbs. and plays with passion and no hesitation. I really like this offer/interest if there is any chance. Having said that, I'm not convinced Elam is a better prospect that Joyner.

There is a slim chance, someone on TOS wrote the Elam is moving to Ohio. If thats true our chances just went way up.
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FSUSOM;1507528; said:
If you have a Rivals sub, then his junior year LB highlights are much better.

I'm hoping we can get a visit too.

I would hope so. That Sunshine preps youtube showed little on defense in my opinion. A bunch of grab/arm tackles...made me wonder what all the fuss was about. His tailback play was good, but no one seems to project him there.
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Moving this one to the '10 forum for a variety of reasons...suffice it to say it seems like Elam will be sticking with his Florida commitment (and I suspect Christian Green will likely follow suit).
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