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'10 FL S Matt Elam (Florida Verbal)

According to the BPRT's source (credit to OSUBucks22) there are still some forces at work when it comes to OSU and Elam...

We all still think he is a longshot but getting him on campus is a step in the right direction...
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Recruiting: National Notebook
By Braden Gall
Published: November 5th, 2009

AC100 No. 8: Matt Elam, ATH, Dwyer (West Palm Beach, Fla.)
Elam has been a long-time commit to the Gators. His older brother played for Meyer at Bowling Green and is likely to end up in Gainesville. However, he has been looking around. Teammates and coaches might actually be pushing him toward Morgantown, W.Va., but Tennessee also could figure in the mix. Should he decommitt, WVU and UT seem the two most likely destinations. Inappropriately early prediction: Florida

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wadc45;1585110; said:
According to the BPRT's source (credit to OSUBucks22) there are still some forces at work when it comes to OSU and Elam...

We all still think he is a longshot but getting him on campus is a step in the right direction...

I wouldn't call him a long shot, but it will be an uphill battle. The best thing we have going for us is Elam is the one pushing for it the hardest, so we certainly have more than his attention. He's been speaking privately of his interest in UGA and OSU for awhile now, so I'm at least glad to see it come to fruition. We're certainly in a better position now than we could have expected months ago. Having him come in for his last visit also helps.
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bigdog3300;1585140; said:
I wouldn't call him a long shot, but it will be an uphill battle. The best thing we have going for us is Elam is the one pushing for it the hardest, so we certainly have more than his attention. He's been speaking privately of his interest in UGA and OSU for awhile now, so I'm at least glad to see it come to fruition. We're certainly in a better position now than we could have expected months ago. Having him come in for his last visit also helps.

Sorry many, but this kid is a VERY longshot! Not saying we don't/can't sign him, but we have a lot of ground to make up, and it seems like he's making trips to really make sure that he wants to be in Gainesville, where he'll more than likely end up. It'd be phenomenal to snag him though
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pnuts34;1585195; said:
Sorry many, but this kid is a VERY longshot! Not saying we don't/can't sign him, but we have a lot of ground to make up, and it seems like he's making trips to really make sure that he wants to be in Gainesville, where he'll more than likely end up. It'd be phenomenal to snag him though

From what my FL scout told me, who told me of this impending visit long before it was announced.....OSU and UGA are in good spots, much better than either is being perceived. He hasn't been happy with some of the moves Urban has done. You are always free to believe what you want, but what this guy has said has been spot on all the way so far so I have no reason not to believe him when he tells me that FL insiders fear UGA/OSU in this one.

Believe me when I tell you it pains him to say he fears OSU on anything.
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The latest....

"Nah, don't think UGa has a shot. It's UF or OSU, although FSU is starting to make it interesting with their PT pitch. He was upfront with us on the other visits....they were just for fun. OSU is the one our staff always worried about. He initially said he wasn't going to OV to Colombus b/c of that. Now he's OVing and being all secretive. I don't think that's a good sign."
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FrancisSawyer;1588571; said:
You can't go wrong with any of those guys. If we get just one of them I'll be very happy. There's no way we get all three.....is there?

Very doubtful. I have no worries about Latwan, we're right there for LJ (too tough to call now) and Elam will be a tough get, somewhere at 80/20 in UF's favor. But, that's a whole lot better than anyone would have guessed a month ago. Just getting him on campus would be great. We're getting more and more of those big time southern talents to come up and visit. It's a process, we got them interested, now they're visiting, and now it's time for us to steal the Big 3 leans once in awhile :biggrin:
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I doubt those 3 would all play safety anyways. No way a 230 lb. Hagan plays safety either. Latwan or LJ can play corner. The only thing with Joyner is I wish his announcement were earlier, as I think it could actually help us bring Elam our way because I think LJ could be a heck of a recruiter for us, especially in Florida. Good to hear Elam is visiting on a non-game day. It shows it won't be a token visit for a free game and he'll see more individual attention.
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