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Game Thread #1 Ohio State vs. #8 Wisconsin, 2019 B1G Championship Game (Lucas Oil Stadium Dec 7 8:00 PM Fox)

Big stick right there, hope that kid is okay.

Guys, let me tell you this...your team is scary good.

In College Football Championship lore....the 1995 Huskers are recognized as one of the most dominant championship teams in history.
The closest anybody got to beating them was 14 points. This is what they did in 1995:

Record: 12-0 (1st of 108) (Schedule & Results)
Rank: 1st in the Final AP poll
Conference: Big 8
Conference Record: 7-0
Coach: Tom Osborne (12-0)
Points For: 638
Points/G: 53.2 (1st of 108)
Points Against: 174
Opp Pts/G: 14.5 (4th of 108)

It's been a while, but there's another team that reminds me of that 1995 team. They just have it all together. Seems like nothing fazes them, and they've been dominant all year long.

Record: 12-0 (1st of 130) (Schedule & Results)
Rank: 2nd in the Current AP poll
Conference: Big Ten (East Division)
Conference Record: 9-0
Coach: Ryan Day (12-0)
Points For: 599
Points/G: 49.9 (1st of 130)
Points Against: 142
Opp Pts/G: 11.8 (4th of 130)

You guys have a damn special team. This team wins it all, I'm telling you, they're gonna be in that "Greatest of all time" category.

EDIT: Was looking at stats from the 95 team. They beat 4 ranked opponents that season.
You guys just beat your fifth ranked team by two scores. I'm telling you, this team is special.
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OSU should be the 2 seed. I can't think of any objective argument to suggest otherwise. They won't be getting screwed when the committee votes that way.

Bring on Clemson. We've got unfinished business. Same with Oklahoma and LSU, but Ryan Day would have a chance to do something no other OSU coach ever did. Not Urban. Not Woody.
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