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Game Thread #1 Ohio State vs. #8 Wisconsin, 2019 B1G Championship Game (Lucas Oil Stadium Dec 7 8:00 PM Fox)

Fuck Clemson. OSU plays like they did in the 2nd half & no one wants to see them.

This year reminds me of Bama and Oregon. "You can't start slow and make mistakes and beat Bama"

Then we start slow, turn it over, and whoop Bama. This team will do whatever the fuck it feels like doing to whomever it feels like doing it to. I really hope they feel like dominating on their way to the ship
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This year reminds me of Bama and Oregon. "You can't start slow and make mistakes and beat Bama"

Then we start slow, turn it over, and whoop Bama. This team will do whatever the fuck it feels like doing to whomever it feels like doing it to. I really hope they feel like dominating on their way to the ship

Yeap, and 4 turnovers to Oregon.
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