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#1 Ohio State 89, #6 North Carolina 98 (Final)

The second half is showing what OSU is lacking right now: depth. The team has looked tired most of the 2nd half. They are a half-step slow closing out on shooters, our shots are coming up short, and we just don't have the big men to rebound with these guys right now.

BUT!!!! We are playing against a very good team, in a very hostile environment, without one of our best players, and we cannot buy a call.... and we are STILL within 10 points of UNC.

Play this game with decent officiating in March......
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God, I wish Dook Vitale would shut up.

He keeps talking about, "nice effort, but just think of when Greg Oden arrives!" I guarantee that's not what Thad Matta is gonna tell his team in the locker room, and that's not what those kids were thinking on the court tonight. The wanted to win NOW.

Hey, whaddya know? The whistle works at BOTH ends of the court. :roll2:
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Bucky Katt;673777; said:
The second half is showing what OSU is lacking right now: depth. The team has looked tired most of the 2nd half. They are a half-step slow closing out on shooters, our shots are coming up short, and we just don't have the big men to rebound with these guys right now.

BUT!!!! We are playing against a very good team, in a very hostile environment, without one of our best players, and we cannot buy a call.... and we are STILL within 10 points of UNC.

Play this game with decent officiating in March......

And with Greg O.
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Bucky Katt;673777; said:
The second half is showing what OSU is lacking right now: depth. The team has looked tired most of the 2nd half. They are a half-step slow closing out on shooters, our shots are coming up short, and we just don't have the big men to rebound with these guys right now.

BUT!!!! We are playing against a very good team, in a very hostile environment, without one of our best players, and we cannot buy a call.... and we are STILL within 10 points of UNC.

Play this game with decent officiating in March......

i agree 100% a lot like last year when we played really good teams
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Bucky Katt;673777; said:
The second half is showing what OSU is lacking right now: depth. The team has looked tired most of the 2nd half. They are a half-step slow closing out on shooters, our shots are coming up short, and we just don't have the big men to rebound with these guys right now.

BUT!!!! We are playing against a very good team, in a very hostile environment, without one of our best players, and we cannot buy a call.... and we are STILL within 10 points of UNC.

Play this game with decent officiating in March......
Good post... I said I would be happy if they were within 10 points by the end of the game. This can be a "good" loss for the young Bucks. Valpo better watch out on Saturday. :biggrin:

Classy UNC fans too. Oh well, they can get us now, we'll get them in March!
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I am so glad to finally see this team...

Oden might be great on D and do this and this...But the biggest thing is we might be able to get some rebounds which has been pointed out by many, but other then depth that is our biggest hole IMO
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