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#1 Ohio State 89, #6 North Carolina 98 (Final)

scarletngrey11;673742; said:
Its amazing we are still in this game....

Imagine if like... it was... like fair.
Yep. Refs can control a basketball game much easier than a football game and I believe this game is evidence of that... but I didn't expect any less going into ACC country either.
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Coach Matta is finally tearing the refs a new one.

Unfortunately, the Bucks are getting a taste of Dook-Carolina "officiating"

I've seen bad officiating in the other direction in the Big Ten, where they swallow the whistles to the point where it becomes a football game (MSU's home cookin'). For my money, I'd rather see that than see what's going on here, because if they swallow the whistles, you can overcome that with intensity, while with what's going on tonight, it takes away your toughness and aggressiveness to the point of near paralysis.

FWIW - it looks to me there's a big gap between the two teams when it comes to execution of interior passing. That'll have to improve if this team is going to get the most out of Greg Oden when he becomes available.
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