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#1 Ohio State 89, #6 North Carolina 98 (Final)

Amazing how physical they can be on defense and how we cant do anything.

Worst officiated game I have ever seen. What a fucking joke.

Too bad those corrupt fuckers cant let the kids decide it on the court.

I grew up a Carolina fan, but this makes me feel like throwing up.
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Well great job from these kids first time on the road... Getting jobbed by the refs.... Played well and we fought hard. We win this one by 10+ with any type of inside presence....

It is a great time to be a Buckeye

Lewis had a great game..... And one... Suprise no whistle
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I have never seen Jamar Butler look so lost. He's making lazy passes, leaving the player he passes it to stranded out on an island, not looking to shoot and not playing with his head up on defense. He is too good of a player to be playing like this.

Ron Lewis has been a stud on offense. Othello Hunter has been a stud on defense.
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