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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

UGA definitely has just as much to offer as us

More - if you care to check the thermometer (I am guessing Richt is texting him our weather forecast). A kid from South of the Mason-Dixon with four SEC teams and us on his list is a possibility - but it is very long odds.
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With respect to landing Marlon Brown, I do think that we have as good a shot as any. If you look at Marlon's reaction after his visit here and then the one to Georgia, there isn't much in it. If he looks at tOSU's roster, we don't have a guy with his skill set....he WILL play a lot as a true freshman. We've got the O-line, the QB, the RBs, and TEs....he could be a big cog in a legendary offense at tOSU.
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Oh8ch;1361309; said:
More - if you care to check the thermometer (I am guessing Richt is texting him our weather forecast). A kid from South of the Mason-Dixon with four SEC teams and us on his list is a possibility - but it is very long odds.

What are you talking about? Yeah, it was cold this morning (-10 with the wind chill) but it has warmed up since then. My outside thermometer reads 13 now. So it has warmed up 23 degrees in about 12 hours. That's pretty good, right?

Anyway, it's healthy to see the seasons change. Who the heck wants it to be 75 and sunny all year round?:biggrin:
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Sportsbuck28;1361732; said:
How's the BPRT feel about our chances?
Despite the recent good vibes, we've never really felt that Marlon would end up in Columbus - Georgia has been the team to beat for a while now, and Tennessee will have the chance to make the final pitch. At least the Buckeyes are still in the race. Yeah, anything can happen, I guess, but I just don't see this one going our way. Kinda reminds me of Leon Hart's recruitment from a few years back (2004), where the kid had a great visit to Columbus in December and almost committed ... but then the southern schools redoubled their efforts and Ohio State became a fleeting memory by the end of the month.
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LordJeffBuck;1361922; said:
Despite the recent good vibes, we've never really felt that Marlon would end up in Columbus - Georgia has been the team to beat for a while now, and Tennessee will have the chance to make the final pitch. At least the Buckeyes are still in the race. Yeah, anything can happen, I guess, but I just don't see this one going our way. Kinda reminds me of Leon Hart's recruitment from a few years back (2004), where the kid had a great visit to Columbus in December and almost committed ... but then the southern schools redoubled their efforts and Ohio State became a fleeting memory by the end of the month.

this pretty much sums up my completely worthless opinion. The only thing in the back of my mind saying 'this time is different' is OSU having Pryor on its side...but OSU landing a late-deciding 5-star/top 100 WR talent from the south...still can't wrap my arms around believing it actually will happen. Especially after him re-visiting Georgia on his own dime in OSU-like fashion (basically cancels that out).
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Receiver Brown is the clear-cut No. 1 prospect

UT after biggest catch

By Dave Hooker (Contact)
Originally published 09:00 p.m., December 24, 2008
Updated 09:00 p.m., December 24, 2008
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Harding Academy?s Marlon Brown races down the sideline during a game this season. Brown has listed Tennessee among the colleges he is still considering, along with Ohio State, Georgia, Florida and LSU.

As the holidays come and go, the pressure mounts on Marlon Brown.
With little more than six weeks until National Signing Day, the prospect named the News Sentinel's best in the state realizes he must soon make his highly anticipated decision.
"I'm ready for it but I'm also nervous about it," the 6-foot-5, 205-pound receiver from Harding Academy in Memphis said. "This is a huge decision in my life right now."
Tennessee, Ohio State, Georgia, LSU and Florida are the semifinalists. Brown said he won't pare down his list until just before signing day. Don't expect any other hints anytime soon.
"When I announce, I'm going to have maybe three hats on the table and that's it," Brown said.
Who knows if UT will be in the final mix? Brown will take his official visit to Knoxville on Jan. 30, giving the Vols the last face-to-face impression before Signing Day on Feb. 4.
Brown has never spoken poorly of UT, even as it changed coaches in 2008. He's even said he's been impressed with newly hired head coach Lane Kiffin.
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