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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

jazzman;1354650; said:
I just met Terrelle Pryor a few minutes ago....he was with Marlon Brown. TP is showing him around town. Marlon said that he had just got into Columbus earlier in the day, and had just visited the Woody Hayes center. He seemed quiet for the most part. Marlon looks every bit of 6-4....he is gonna be a stud!

Terrelle should be an ideal escort. He is living proof that (if you are good enough) JT will start a true freshman at QB over a 6th year senior that started the year before (and even got the team to the National Championship Game). That should be a big plus. Recruits have to like the idea that they really do have a chance to compete for playing time as a freshman. :)
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BuckTwenty;1361205; said:
On top of that, he would likely be coming in with Tajh Boyd if he chose OSU.

While that is nice it is probably not going to be that big of a part of the decision...if he chooses OSU I would venture a guess that he will catch more balls from Pryor during his time here than Boyd.
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wadc45;1361221; said:
While that is nice it is probably not going to be that big of a part of the decision...if he chooses OSU I would venture a guess that he will catch more balls from Pryor during his time here than Boyd.
Very true.

Nice to know though that the eventual replacement for Pryor is highly capable and would be accompanying him in his recruiting class, which in contrast to the situation in GA should look more appealing to him from a receiver's standpoint.
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What we should be worried about now is Marlon getting close and comfy with Aaron Murray, UGA's star QB recruit this year. It appears that a top young QB that he can build a relationship with makes a particular school more attractive. On top of that, based on what I've seen Richt can be put in the same category as JT as far as class and character. So we'd best be crossing our fingers because UGA definitely has just as much to offer as us.:)
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