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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

I feel like the 6'5" WR is something that Ohio State's been lacking in the Jim Tressel era. Can you imagine if OSU had a solid big man along with Santonio Holmes, Ted Ginn, and Anthony Gonzalez? (Roy Hall, Alberts Dukes, and Devon Lyons don't count, sorry). LSU has a stockpile of 6'4" - 6'5" guys. Even Pitt sticks two 6'5" guys out wide and they still have production with QB play, uh, less than adequate.

I know this isn't XBox 360, but size has its advantages. Marlon isn't the most physical WR, but from what I've seen he doesn't need to be. I think he'd be perfect for the role. Stoneburner has good size, but no one knows if he's going to be a fulltime WR or WR/TE.
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Pryor2Posey;1325073; said:
scout and rivals got him listed as 6'5". Do you got another credible source?

Yeah people that have seen him live...Look at his film, he doesn't look 6'5'' either...

Not saying he isn't a good player or that I don't want him, just that the reason for some drops in ratings and the like is due to people seeing him live and saying he wasn't quite the size and speed that was out there...
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crazybuckfan40;1325080; said:
Yeah people that have seen him live...Look at his film, he doesn't look 6'5'' either...

Not saying he isn't a good player or that I don't want him, just that the reason for some drops in ratings and the like is due to people seeing him live and saying he wasn't quite the size and speed that was out there...
we just want to make sure that you have credible sources:biggrin:

Okay back to Marlon.
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LitlBuck;1325173; said:
we just want to make sure that you have credible sources:biggrin:

Okayb ack to bow Marlon.
All you have to do is watch his film. If Marlon is 6'5", then ALL of the players on that field are between 6'7" and 6'1". Somehow, I don't think that's the case.

Then again, maybe there's something in the water in Tennessee...
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crazybuckfan40;1325062; said:
He is not 6'5'' he is 6'2''-3'' just to clarify that...

Yep, he's 6'5 like Roy Williams was 6'5 when he was at Texas. The when he went to the combine, he suddenly shrank 3 inches.

I'd like to add Brown as a developmental type WR/TE, but I won't lose any sleep if he goes elsewhere. Posey was a much better prospect and has barely seen the field this year...Brown will probably need a red-shirt. I think Carter would probably play before him, too.
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westbuck04;1325479; said:
Yep, he's 6'5 like Roy Williams was 6'5 when he was at Texas. The when he went to the combine, he suddenly shrank 3 inches.

I'd like to add Brown as a developmental type WR/TE, but I won't lose any sleep if he goes elsewhere. Posey was a much better prospect and has barely seen the field this year...Brown will probably need a red-shirt. I think Carter would probably play before him, too.

I don't know man, everything I've read sounds like he would be a definite immediate candidate for Robo's spot.
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MUBuck;1325487; said:
I don't know man, everything I've read sounds like he would be a definite immediate candidate for Robo's spot.

His film on Bucknuts is free. 6-3 sounds about right. He carries more weight than your prototypical WR and is a tad slower in body motion. Still, he carries deceptive speed and can overpower a lot of safeties. Carter has more upside but Brown has potentials as well.
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Buckrock;1325571; said:
Kind of like Florida speed. Embellished.

Sorry to big up the enemy, but if UF gets in the title game the only joy that will come out of their pasting anybody but UT or SC will be that they will be the new number 1 hated team. They are basically a track team at the skill posititons and play the defense I would love to see tOSU defense play, aggressive all the time. Oh yeah, Brown will be a heck of a player.
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I watched Marlon play live. He might not be 6-5, but darn close. Standing next to players he is obviously much taller than most, but I watched the videos on ESPN and he does look shorter. Don't really know how to explain the difference. Personally, his size doesn't worry me, however the level of competition he plays against does. Not a very strong area for HS football so it is hard to tell just how good he is.
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matt_thatsme;1329166; said:
I watched Marlon play live. He might not be 6-5, but darn close. Standing next to players he is obviously much taller than most, but I watched the videos on ESPN and he does look shorter. Don't really know how to explain the difference. Personally, his size doesn't worry me, however the level of competition he plays against does. Not a very strong area for HS football so it is hard to tell just how good he is.

Edit: You answered my question. From the films and a few PMs, we've heard numerous concerns about the competition.
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