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'09 TN WR Marlon Brown (Georgia Signee)

ESPN - Size trumps speed with Class of 2009 - Football Recruiting

Most physical

What Scouts Inc. looks for: This category is about size, strength and the wisdom of a player to know how to use both to his advantage. It's the ability to handle press coverage, to outmuscle receivers for the ball, to create separation using one's frame, and not to go down immediately after the catch.

1. Marlon Brown (Memphis, Tenn./Harding)

Brown measures close to 6-foot-6, and he knows of how to use his frame. His athleticism makes him very difficult to handle off the line and on contested matchups downfield. He can outmuscle defenders for the ball, and his leaping ability makes it difficult to gain any position on him.
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Scout $


From the Florida site...will only try to play football in college...talks about each of his top five (Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio State and LSU).

Has some really great things to say about JT and the future of OSU...
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wadc45;1340715; said:
Scout $


From the Florida site...will only try to play football in college...talks about each of his top five (Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio State and LSU).

Has some really great things to say about JT and the future of OSU...

BUT one of these thing isn't like the others.....
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Hubbard;1340721; said:
BUT one of these thing isn't like the others.....

True but this is one of those rare times where OSU has just as much of a chance as some of the southern schools...Tennessee will get the last shot on the officials and I'm sure Kiffen will be all over this one. I don't expect him to pick OSU but it wouldn't shock me if he did in the end...the staff has done a great job just to get him on campus for an official.
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the grandmother test....

pretty key IMO, Kiffin, 33, coming in late....I'm dubious

JT, 55, talks to him all the time....me likey

The "one" to beat is Richt...as impressive as JT as far as passing the grandmother test....
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In-state prospects hearing from Kiffin
Brown will listen to what coach has to say
[email protected]
December 1, 2008
Lane Kiffin's recruiting plan to "build a fence around Tennessee" as he said during his introductory press conference on Monday is already in action.

Tennessee's new head football coach offered a not-so-subtle hint that he was off to Memphis to visit the top prospect in the state once his media obligations were complete.

That would be 6-foot-5, 205-pound receiver Marlon Brown from Harding Academy. Brown is the News Sentinel's highest-rated prospect in the state.

Brown told the News Sentinel on Monday that it meant a lot that Kiffin would make his way to Memphis with such haste.

Brown said he is considering UT, Ohio State, LSU, Florida and Georgia. He is unsure if he'll try to play basketball in college, a goal he expressed early in the recruiting process.

As for what to think of Kiffin, Brown said, "Right now I have no idea. I don't know a lot."

In-state prospects hearing from Kiffin : Football Recruiting : GoVolsXtra.com
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Did anyone hear Kiffin's introductory UT presser today? He basically ripped, and I mean ripped, the Raiders organization. I'm not sure that's such a great idea when you are trying to sell NFL futures to potential recruits. I hope Marlon, among others, takes notice of his words. :)
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heisman;1343589; said:
Did anyone hear Kiffin's introductory UT presser today? He basically ripped, and I mean ripped, the Raiders organization. I'm not sure that's such a great idea when you are trying to sell NFL futures to potential recruits. I hope Marlon, among others, takes notice of his words. :)

If you want your recruits to have successful NFL careers, it might be a good idea to do everything in your power to have the Raiders not select them.
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Prospect Brown likes visit with Kiffin
By Dave Hooker (Contact)
December 2, 2008

Tennessee head football coach Lane Kiffin already has a plan in place for superstar prospect Marlon Brown.

"He told me that when I came in at first, I'd be running fades and slants, then screens, then posts," the 6-foot-5, 205-pound receiver from Harding Academy said. "That's great to me."

That falls in line with Kiffin's master plan of playing young players, a skill he exhibited as an offensive coach at Southern California.

How much will playing early factor into Brown's decision?

"A lot, to be honest," Brown said.

Brown said he felt better about UT after meeting with Kiffin on Monday evening just hours after Kiffin was formally introduced at a press conference in Knoxville replacing Phillip Fulmer was dismissed on Nov. 3.

"He was real honest," Brown said. "He was cool."

Prospect Brown likes visit with Kiffin : Football Recruiting : GoVolsXtra.com
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3074326;1345643; said:
I have a feeling that Marlon Brown isn't too concerned with the worst franchises in the NFL at the moment.

Isn't he still undecided on his college destination?

If he lives up to his potential, he better be.... top of the field 1st rounders go to the worst franchises... With the mess the Raiders are, I wouldn't be surprised if they're still bagging top 5 picks in 3 years when Brown's eligible. Especially if Al Davis is still wack-jobbing his way around then. :wink2:
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