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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

Buckrock;1262781; said:
RB07OSU, Considering all the time they have spent on Adams (an his family interest) i think it's sink or swim unless Campbell show some real genuine interest. Shaq Rowell could help come January if he gets the grades.

Agreed. We really need an elite DT in this class...I would feel really good with Simon and Adams to go with Goebel, Mobley, and Rowell.
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ESPN - West Recruiting Blog

Staying with the Trojan theme, there was a recent report saying USC had cooled on Scottsdale (Ariz.) Saguaro defensive tackle Corey Adams while making fellow Arizona lineman Craig Roh more of the priority.

That was actually backward as USC canceled Roh's scheduled visit to Los Angeles for this past weekend; Roh ended up announcing for Michigan Wednesday. In the meantime, Adams is still extremely high on their board and likely the top defensive tackle it is recruiting. Adams has narrowed his choices to USC, Arizona State and Ohio State and set up his first official visit to USC for the weekend of (Dec. 12).
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reagdog;1265550; said:
When is USC going to finally feel the wrath of the NCAA regarding the Reggie Bush debacle?
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osugrad21;1267852; said:

Corey will visit USC in December, tOSU is being worked out, and now he will visit Nebraska for the Virginia Tech game.

Not reading anything into this, but its interesting that he's visiting, 'Ohio boy' Pellini, in addition to the three usual suspects. Not going to speculate on when he visits us, but suspect it might be 11/22...which puts USC last. Mixed feelings about that. But for now, guts still strong for us.
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The Nebraska loss was a brutal, gutwrenching, devisating meltdown of epic proportions. They flat out pooped the sheets in the last 5 min of the game. Cannot believe that it was a great trip, but who knows? Eeeeesh
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