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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

Before I read the update I was hoping to read one way or another something about the supposed "package deal" with his cousin Cammeron Saddler.

I know people keep saying these kinds of deals rarely work, but with these two cousins being so close it might be different.
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eobuck;875906; said:
Before I read the update I was hoping to read one way or another something about the supposed "package deal" with his cousin Cammeron Saddler.

I know people keep saying these kinds of deals rarely work, but with these two cousins being so close it might be different.

From what I've heard regarding Saddler, scUM is recruiting him as a "special teams player" (i.e. punt/kick returner) to utilize his speed. When scUM gets a verbal from McGuffie, wondering how this might affect the recruitment of Saddler (and Hale). I guess I'm under the assumption that McGuffie would be playing special teams as well (because I think it would be crazy for them to not play him there with his outstanding athletic ability).

Any fans up north have any insight here? Is McGuffie's impending verbal going to affect Saddler/Hale's recruitment?
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BuckTwenty;876088; said:
From what I've heard regarding Saddler, scUM is recruiting him as a "special teams player" (i.e. punt/kick returner) to utilize his speed. When scUM gets a verbal from McGuffie, wondering how this might affect the recruitment of Saddler (and Hale). I guess I'm under the assumption that McGuffie would be playing special teams as well (because I think it would be crazy for them to not play him there with his outstanding athletic ability).

Any fans up north have any insight here? Is McGuffie's impending verbal going to affect Saddler/Hale's recruitment?

I'm fairly confident that McGuffie is being brought in as a RB.
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BuckTwenty;876088; said:
From what I've heard regarding Saddler, scUM is recruiting him as a "special teams player" (i.e. punt/kick returner) to utilize his speed. When scUM gets a verbal from McGuffie, wondering how this might affect the recruitment of Saddler (and Hale). I guess I'm under the assumption that McGuffie would be playing special teams as well (because I think it would be crazy for them to not play him there with his outstanding athletic ability).

Any fans up north have any insight here? Is McGuffie's impending verbal going to affect Saddler/Hale's recruitment?

I agree with OSUBuckeye. We are definitely bringing in McG in to be a true RB for us and probably other positions if necessary. I don't think his recruitment will hurt our chances if the package deal is indeed legit. Both guys will see the field.
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Throw this in the grain of salt/FWIW column:

Saddler seems pretty high on UVA...and they are not on Hale's 'list'..so mayhap the package deal is not as solid as non OSU fans previously hoped?

Reading GBW they seem concerned about Saddler's UVA comments and seem to think UM has virtually no chance for Hale if they are NOT a package.
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HINYG8;876248; said:
Throw this in the grain of salt/FWIW column:

Saddler seems pretty high on UVA...and they are not on Hale's 'list'..so mayhap the package deal is not as solid as non OSU fans previously hoped?

Reading GBW they seem concerned about Saddler's UVA comments and seem to think UM has virtually no chance for Hale if they are NOT a package.

Did I not hear something, because I thought Hale mentioned his top 4 as UM, OSU, WVU, and UVA? Thats what I see from the recently updated databases from scout and rivals...
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Once again, no idea what to make of this...

Rivals $


From the Michigan site...update on Cameron Saddler...talks about his last visit to UM and some of the UM players he knows. Saddler says he and Shayne have discussed it again and they are 100% sure they are going to the same school...either Michigan, Virginia or WVU.
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Well, it doesn't sound good. If the recent Filer rumor is true, hopefully he jumps on board at LB, as well as Keith Wells at DE, in case we lose out on Hale because of this. Although this all seems vaugley familiar to the situation last year with Damien Berry, Deonte Thompson and Taurus McKinley last year from Belle Glades. Berry and McKinley ended up at Miami, with Thompson going to Florida. We'll just have to see how it all pans out. I still don't think I have heard a quote from Hale stating the package deal is a for sure thing.
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