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'08 PA LB Shayne Hale (Pitt signee)

illinoisbuckeye;872039; said:
Any confirmation to the rumors that he has cancelled all of his visits?
I talked to Bob Lichtenfels last night (off the boards), who is very close with the Gateway staff, and he had heard nothing of the sort. Until I hear something more concrete, I'm sticking with Bob L's history with Gateway.
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jwinslow;872042; said:
I talked to Bob Lichtenfels last night (off the boards), who is very close with the Gateway staff, and he had heard nothing of the sort. Until I hear something more concrete, I'm sticking with Bob L's history with Gateway.

Yeah... a lot of the speculation is coming from ND boards.

Someone on rivals who has a track record as a reliable poster with information mentioned a surprise ND commit. Hale was slated to be on campus the 26th (today), so people are putting two and two together. Since there is little to no clarity about when he supposedly canceled his visits, some think he did it to coincide with Weis's "no visits after you commit" policy.

Who knows though. I'm skeptical of any connection between this poster's comments and Shayne Hale being the "mystery commit". I think your (jwinslow's) approach at this time, especially since Hale made no indication of ending his recruitment any time soon.
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jimotis4heisman;872870; said:
a newspaper, when it comes to recruiting about the only thing they are good for is wiping your...

sandgk;872871; said:
Sounds more like a Pitt guy trying to make Pitt's loss seem more palatable to me cheetah - but damn I do have some nice rose colored glasses.

cheetah;872887; said:
I don't know. I live in the Pittsburgh area and this guy is not known as a hack at all. Plus, the quotes pretty much speak for themselves.

see what i jsut said?
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The Saddler comments are interesting...and possibly a dealbreaker for tOSU if they are true. However, as of a few days ago, tOSU was the team to beat and a few of the committed players and their parents were working Hale...with what they perceived as major success.
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Could look at it this way. He likes us so much that we are stil on the list despite wanting to play with Saddler and Saddler definitely not coming here. They have said recently that they have come to the conclusion that they may have to seperate. Okay, the more I think about it, the better I feel.
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