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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)


...then our two kickers here crash and burn while Wright ends up Nugent II elsewhere, people will be up in arms.
There's no saying he would develop the same at a school like BG. tOSU actually uses, dare I say depends sometimes, on their kickers. I rarely see another school trusting their kicker with a 40+ shot--and I can't count the times I've seen schools miss what we at tOSU take as gimme's from our outstanding kickers.

OSUBucks22 said:
Our coaches have shown the ability to develop and coach kickers and punters. I'm not worried about one developing.
Why wait and chance two unproven guys when you've got a prospect with success written all over him? His consistency and power don't lie, plus he's got the whole off season to train and refine his kicking.
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This kid is the real deal. I saw him in the game this year against Niles. Salem lined him up for a 57 yarder, and I couldn't believe they were doing it. The kick was dead center of the uprights, but was just (and I mean just) short. It would've definitely been good from 52 or 53, and probably from 55. And he was absolutely crushing the ball on kickoffs. It's rare to see a high school kid kick it anywhere near the end zone, and he was consistently kicking it through the end zone. I know it might be hard to believe if you haven't seen him play, but he is definitely worth a scholarship--it would be ridiculous if we didn't offer him one. No doubt in my mind. This kid would be starting here next fall, no doubt. Just imagine how good he'd be if he's already kicking 50+ field goals and touchbacks.
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jwinslow;325461We were fortunate to have this level of success said:
Agreed. We have the inventor of the kick scrimmage as our head coach. The staff gives more attention to kickers than some think. That's why I think they deserve credit for the jobs that Nuge, Huston, Sander, and Groom have done.
Wright sounds like a great prospect. I just don't know if he is a "need" recruit like others do. Pretorious will be a Soph. and Pettrey a Fr. next year. 3rd year for Pretorious, 2nd year for Pettrey. We may want to space out the kicking a little more. But like I've said, if we have room come January, I think Wright is an acceptable late offer.
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BN $


Bryan is 7/10 on FGs for the season and has kicked 80% of his kickoffs into the endzone. He has always been a Buckeye fan and a Cincinnati fan (his father played for the Bearcats). He does not hold any offers yet.

Bryan's dad also I believe studied (post-graduate / dental) at Ohio State. So at either Ohio school Bryan would be a legacy student.
Bryan's father was a Pro player with the Bears and Giants.
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From the local newspaper regarding Bryan:

"The Talk of the Sideline

This is easy. Without a doubt, it was Salem's Bryan Wright. No matter where I went, after people watched Wright power the ball through the uprights or to the back of the end zone, they couldn't stop talking about him. That is after they bounced back out of shock.

One time on the sideline at Reilly Stadium, a young lady covering a Salem game for a local news station watched as Wright lined up for one of his school-record kicks. She turned to me and said, "He's not going to make that."

He did and she was stunned. The same thing happened in the press box in Canfield. Wright prepared for a 52-yard field goal and some people in the area around me said he had no chance.

He made it and they were stunned.

Every Salem game I went to Wright was the talk of the sideline. News crews would walk up to me when they got to the game and would ask if they missed another one of Wright's bombs. Towards the end of the season, the crews were hanging around until the end of the game just so they didn't miss another spectacular kick."

Here's a link to the article, but what is quoted above is all the article contains about Wright:
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crazybuckfan40 said:
I actually don't think either one has one at this time. I know Skeet had one, but he is gone and if either of them have one it is Pettrey, but I thought I heard that he just came on last year as a walk-on b/c he was tired of waiting.
Actually, Ryan Pretorius is on a full scholarship. He was told before the season started. And, Pettrey is not on scholarship until Josh leaves at the end of this season.
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