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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)

I'm amazed. Why on Earth would anybody pass on that kind of talent--especially to your arch-rival. I don't want to have to say "told you so" in a few years, but I think I will.

Man, anywhere but tsun...anywhere. I don't want to have to wait 3-4 years to cheer for him on Sundays.
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I'm amazed. Why on Earth would anybody pass on that kind of talent--especially to your arch-rival. I don't want to have to say "told you so" in a few years, but I think I will.

Man, anywhere but tsun...anywhere. I don't want to have to wait 3-4 years to cheer for him on Sundays.
Well I think the coaches reasoning is clear, though we may both disagree and wish they had one more ace kicker developing on roster. But, if they feel there are bigger needs, both this year and next then I say we must trust their judgement.
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The best of luck to Bryan. I know he'll be a great kicker. :scum:


Salem News sports editor

When you were in high school and an announcement came over the PA system asking you to come to the principal's office, what thoughts ran through your head? Probably something along the lines of, did I do something wrong? Did someone accuse me of cheating? Was I late to too many classes? Is Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr calling to offer me a full athletic scholarship?

Well, probably not that last one - but for Salem senior Bryan Wright, on Tuesday around noon, that was exactly the case.

"I was stunned first of all," Wright said.
Talking to him on the phone I could tell he was smiling and I didn't even have to see him.

It's a big deal. Perhaps the biggest of deals for a high school athlete. A full-ride from a Division I school to play a sport you love.

"I went into coach Phillips' office and Carr asked me how I was doing," Wright said. Then he asked me 'Would you take a full ride scholarship if we offered it to you?" It didn't take Wright long to answer.


And with that the Salem area Ohio State Buckeye nation let out a hideous groan. Or so one might've thought. Wright said that even though most area football fanatics are fans of the Jim Tressel led Buckeyes, he hasn't really been razzed by any OSU fans about his decision.

"It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be," Wright said.
"People have been really supportive and have just been congratulating me which I really appreciate"

For an 18-year old, it's certainly a lot to handle, and with the great news Wright is as they say, on cloud nine. "I'm still stunned," Wright said. "It hasn't really sunk in yet. I just can't picture myself kicking in front of 100,000 people. I..." Wright suddenly stopped and laughed. Stunned would be one way to describe it. Elated would be another.

"Coach Carr said you can't go wrong with the University of Michigan," Wright said. "He said, 'No matter what, we'll treat you like family, and now you're family.'"

As Salem head football coach Doug Phillips said, "It's a dream come true for a family and a son."

Not only is it a dream come true for the Wright family, but it's a good bet it will be for the Michigan family as well.
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I'm amazed. Why on Earth would anybody pass on that kind of talent--especially to your arch-rival. I don't want to have to say "told you so" in a few years, but I think I will.

Man, anywhere but tsun...anywhere. I don't want to have to wait 3-4 years to cheer for him on Sundays.

Agreed. I realize and respect the coach's reasoning. But, I think this comes back to bite us in a few years.

Good luck Bryan!
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i really hope that he does well (since i'm from Salem) but i'm disappointed to see him go to scum. He should go to FSU where they have had crappy kickers for many years, he could be a legend!

Good Luck Bryan :oh: :io:

First Good Luck Bryan.

Second, I'n not sure FSU is such a good choice for kickers. You have to ask why is it that they consistently stink up the joint (outside of Janikowski). Could it be the coaching?
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First Good Luck Bryan.

Second, I'n not sure FSU is such a good choice for kickers. You have to ask why is it that they consistently stink up the joint (outside of Janikowski). Could it be the coaching?
... Or the lack thereof.

But really. We should all be happy for Brian (misguided though he may be), as the paramount goal of every Salem High student is to someday get away from Salem. Good on ya, kid!
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Wright earns First Team All-Ohio Honors. This shouldn't be a suprise to anybody.

The two athletes were teammates for the Salem Quakers this season. Salem's Jarin Heath and Bryan Wright were recognized as first-team All-Ohio selections by the Associated Press for their play on the football field this season.
Heath was a first-team selection as a defensive back and Wright was a first-team pick on offense as a kicker. Heath was a do-it-all threat for the Quakers. He saw time at receiver, running back, defensive back and returned kicks.
Wright is on his way to the University of Michigan to kick for the Wolverines.
Wright has the second-longest field goal in Ohio high school history with a 57-yard kick.
Wright was also a first-team All-Ohio pick last season.
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