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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)

Perhaps it's time for Kirk Lowdermilk(sp) to give him a visit.

He'd be crazy to turn down a full ride to any B-10 school at this point. At the very worst (scUM), he has a scolly in his pocket.

I wonder it Jt will still pursue him knowing he's already accepted. It would be nice to stick one to Lloyd the crybaby, though.
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He'd be crazy to turn down a full ride to any B-10 school at this point. At the very worst (scUM), he has a scolly in his pocket.

I wonder it Jt will still pursue him knowing he's already accepted. It would be nice to stick one to Lloyd the crybaby, though.

I totally agree. You can't fault him at all for verbally accepting a Big 10 scholarship. However, if I were him, I'd dump Lllloyd and scUM as soon as I had an offer from tOSU :biggrin: . And you're right--it certainly would be nice to give Lllloyd something else to cry about.
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Although Gary H. is insistent that no offer has been made, here is the word from my guy:

>I was told that the offer "was being made"----not sure what to make of it----watch this closely the next couple of days

Take it as you will. He initially thought the offer was made last night. I'll trust my source of this one and if I have to eat crow, so be it.
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