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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)

I wouldn't bet on it, unless a scholarship for a Kicker opens up, but with Pretorious and Pettrey on scholarship, I doubt that happens. With a scholarship on the table from BG, I wouldn't see him walking on.

Let's see...isn't Huston on scholarship now? That's three kickers on schollie, right? So why not offer Wright? With the importance of our kicking game proving itslef time and time again since Tressel's arrival, it would be stupid to "save" a scholarship in lieu of offering possibly the best kicker in the state.
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Let's see...isn't Huston on scholarship now? That's three kickers on schollie, right? So why not offer Wright? With the importance of our kicking game proving itslef time and time again since Tressel's arrival, it would be stupid to "save" a scholarship in lieu of offering possibly the best kicker in the state.

i agree 100%, this kid could be the real deal, but his family is well off (my dentist when i was growing up) and could easily afford to pay for school, sometimes a scholarship isn't all its cracked up to be.
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A 57-yd kick is certainly nothing to scoff at-- that's downright fantastic for a kid his age! Bryan has Huston written all over him, and if we offer, I would be REALLY excited to land this kid.

HOWEVER, even with losing both Skeete and Huston here this year, I don't see us pursuing Wright with a schollie. We will give Pettrey a schollie before we start chasing anyone else (I believe he ended up walking on to OSU when the supposed grey-shirt thing fell through-- not sure what all happend with that). Whether Pettrey has an offer or not, Pretorious will be a R-So and Pettrey will be a R-Fr next year. A kicker in this class is not a need.
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HOWEVER, even with losing both Skeete and Huston here this year, I don't see us pursuing Wright with a schollie. We will give Pettrey a schollie before we start chasing anyone else (I believe he ended up walking on to OSU when the supposed grey-shirt thing fell through-- not sure what all happend with that). Whether Pettrey has an offer or not, Pretorious will be a R-So and Pettrey will be a R-Fr next year. A kicker in this class is not a need.

We have two totally unproven kickers, neither of whom has even attempted a place kick in college (Pretorious has a couple kickoffs, IIRC). Don't even think that a kicker is not a need in this class. When you have a great kicker available to offer, and your only other alternative is two zero-experience kickers, you make the offer. What if Pretorious and Pettrey don't pan out and/or one/both get hurt?

Hey, we have four QBs on scholarship even though only one plays at a time, so why not have three scholarship kickers?
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We have two totally unproven kickers, neither of whom has even attempted a place kick in college (Pretorious has a couple kickoffs, IIRC). Don't even think that a kicker is not a need in this class. When you have a great kicker available to offer, and your only other alternative is two zero-experience kickers, you make the offer. What if Pretorious and Pettrey don't pan out and/or one/both get hurt?

Hey, we have four QBs on scholarship even though only one plays at a time, so why not have three scholarship kickers?

Sorry Mili, I just don't see it. What about a gray-shirt for him though? That would work out well.
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Sorry Mili, I just don't see it. What about a gray-shirt for him though? That would work out well.

Why? We have 85 scholarships. Setting aside three for the most important special teams position is not asking too much. If we don't offer and he goes somewhere that is willing to foot the bill, and then our two kickers here crash and burn while Wright ends up Nugent II elsewhere, people will be up in arms.
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Our coaches have shown the ability to develop and coach kickers and punters. I'm not worried about one developing.
I understand that we have 85 scholarships, but only 19-20 to give out this year. If we get on in January and haven't filled our limit, then maybe an offer for Wright will be ok. But I'm more in favor of using it on an extra O-Lineman or D-Lineman at this point.
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I was just trying to find this out. I'm not sure if he does. I'm pretty sure that Pettrey has one, but I don't know about Pretorious.

I actually don't think either one has one at this time. I know Skeet had one, but he is gone and if either of them have one it is Pettrey, but I thought I heard that he just came on last year as a walk-on b/c he was tired of waiting.
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I actually don't think either one has one at this time. I know Skeet had one, but he is gone and if either of them have one it is Pettrey, but I thought I heard that he just came on last year as a walk-on b/c he was tired of waiting.

Initially that's what was going to happen, but I believe they told him that he would have his scholarship after the Skeete incident.
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