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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)

Wow... this happened quickly. Can't say I'm surprised with how much heat has been on him recently by a lot of schools. Can we expect a commit now, since we have been the long talked about favorite?

He was wearing a scUM knit cap at the game...but he has been vocal about tOSU being his favorite. I'd expect him to commit by the end of the month if not sooner. Then again, he may be a part of the big recruiting weekends tOSU has in December and commit there.
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I know earlier in this thread I debated the need for a scholarship to be given out to a Kicker, but I'm not going to question the staff on this one. If they saw fit to pass along an offer, then so be it. I guess it wouldn't hurt that awfully much to have a kid with a leg like this on the team... :wink:
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I know earlier in this thread I debated the need for a scholarship to be given out to a Kicker, but I'm not going to question the staff on this one. If they saw fit to pass along an offer, then so be it. I guess it wouldn't hurt that awfully much to have a kid with a leg like this on the team... :wink:

I did the same. With 2 young kickers already on this team, using a schollie on a kicker this year is certainly not a NEED. However, with how well this kid has done this year, with him being so close to home, and with him having the potential to do BIG things at OSU, it's hard NOT to be excited about having this kid on your team. I was sort of hoping that we'd be able to land him as a preferred walk-on, but I'll take him however we can take him. I'm looking forward to talking with some of my family from Salem over Thanksgiving about him
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After reading the article, I get the feeling that he is verbaled to Michigan to make sure he keeps that offer. He mentions he will take an official visit to Ohio State. Michigan was the first to offer and its his only Big Ten offer, I would jump on that also, but I think if we offer we will have a good shot at changing his mind.
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From the home paper. What a shocker....... Sorry guys, my hometown boy is now a wolverweasel... :(

Wright headed to Michigan By CRAIG SWEENEY

Salem News sports writer

Bryan Wright is ready to trade the red and black of Salem for the maize and blue of Michigan.

Wright, a senior kicker at Salem High School, verbally committed to the University of Michigan Tuesday to play football for the Wolverines. Wright, a 2005 Division III Northeast Inland First-Team All-District selection, was offered a full-ride scholarship by the Wolverines Tuesday and accepted.

According to Salem coach Doug Phillips, Wright received a phone call at approximately 1:45 p.m. Tuesday and was offered a scholarship. At 4:30 p.m., Wright called Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and accepted the offer.

"It's a dream come true for a family and a son," Phillips said.

Phillips credited the scholarship offer to all of the hard work Wright has put into his craft.

"It starts with Bryan working hard and having a dream of being the best kicker in the state of Ohio," Phillips said.

"He has a great passion for the game of football - especially kicking."

The 6-foot-2, 205-pound Wright has the second longest field goal in Ohio high school football history. On Oct. 14, Wright kicked a 57-yard field goal during Salem's loss to Poland. The state record is a 60-yard field goal by B.J. Sanders of Cincinnati Roger Bacon in 1998.

Wright was on the Michigan campus for the Wolverines' games against Indiana and Ohio State this season.

Michigan has a 7-4 record this season and is a member of the Big Ten Conference.
Wright will not officially become a Wolverine until he signs his National Letter of Intent. The first day he can sign on the dotted line is Feb. 1, 2006.

This season Wright helped lead the Quakers to a 7-3 record and the program's first back-to-back winning seasons since 1972-73.

Others schools to show interest in Wright were Ohio State, Cincinnati, Pitt and Bowling Green.

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I agree. It doesn't suprise me that he accepted that kind of offer. Hopefully our staff can offer him something as well.
According to Salem coach Doug Phillips, Wright received a phone call at approximately 1:45 p.m. Tuesday and was offered a scholarship. At 4:30 p.m., Wright called Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and accepted the offer.
Is it just me, or does that seem really fast?
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