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  1. Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

    Or another way of putting it ..... Bob Bowlsby wants ESPN to cease and desist attempting to make his 7-figure salary cease to exist.
  2. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Michigan wasn't scared --- their then-President was a guy named James Duderstadt, and he had an "Ivy League Mentality" (for lack of a better phrase) as regards the place of athletics in the greater context of a University. He thought sports were way too commercialized as is (and this was in the...
  3. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    If someone is being fair and objective --- there is no doubt to the answer to that question. It was an undeniable win-win situation for both parties. For those old enough to remember (or for those who have read their history), Illinois and Ohio State were #1 and #2, in that order, in being the...
  4. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I was being a bid pedantic --- no worries on the difference. OLD FOLK like me remember that OSU played at PSU in both 1994/1995. So, the odd/even cadence is back to what it was in the very first two years of the series.
  5. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    2006 (I was there, it rained a lot). You guys are slipping, you got the year wrong! :cool:
  6. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I've said this before - but among my friend group of Penn State alumni, about 90% of folk don't even KNOW there are alumni BoT elections. They're off busy living their adult lives. They have good memories of their under-grad days but they aren't overly engaged as regards Penn State...
  7. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    That's one of those un-answerable (at least in terms of a definitive answer) question. Some of the BPers have their opinions, but I would argue they may have an unconscious or conscious bias to make OSU folk look good/PSU folk look bad. A couple years ago, someone here was all over my ass...
  8. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Good post - I agree with you. Politically, I'm one of those "never Trumpers." I agree with more conservative ideology than liberal ideology, but I find Trump's "cult of personality" hazardous and a turn-off. It's a bit analogous with my feelings on Penn State football. That's my alma mater...
  9. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Reads like "Nixon's enemies list." There's a lot of personality similarities between "Paterno Loyalists" and "<<<fill in embattled or disgraced Politician X here>>> Loyalists." Some people love their tribe. I'd LOVE to know the political breakdown of "Paterno Loyalists", who they vote for...
  10. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I don't know the exact details - other than the 2005 law has a broader definition of things than the 1995 law (e.g., what AJHawkFan already said is correct). As a side-bar: It's a well-known fact that Tom Corbett and Graham Spanier HATE each other, and that goes back prior to 2011. They...
  11. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    The nice thing about being a parent - you CAN make your own after-the-fact rules and "punish" him for that. He has no "ex post facto" guarantee with you!
  12. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I have no love lost for Graham Spanier. But --- I have to disagree with you calling that a "technicality." That was a violation of Spanier's constitutional right as an American citizen. That's not a "technicality", it's a right given to all American citizens. I'm honestly surprised the...
  13. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I might know DingerzforDayz. That Kerry Collins (I'm happy therapy has seemed to turn his life around, but he did have some issues back in the day) story is very similar to one I heard from an 2-classes-ahead-of-me (I'm now 42 years old) acquaintance in my undergrad days. I'm still waiting for...
  14. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    That thread, before it got deleted, was a mess. It was full of the usual suspects. In other BWI news --- board favorite michnittlion (AKA me) has finally been banned. That happened in another thread. I made an over-sensitive mod angry.
  15. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Maybe we could have 2 tiers of Targeting penalties (similar to Face Mask penalties) --- a 5-yarder and the 15-yarder + ejection. Pryor at least tried to adjust. He deserves credit for that. It's tough: one second Hamler has a step on the DB and the ball is in the air and Pryor is coming over...
  16. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    When people start to question whether you are (1) an imposter or (2) the real deal. That's a defining moment for every person (not just Franklin) whose success in life has partially been predicated on being a salesman. We'll see how the PSU team responds. I thought that Franklin came off...
  17. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I think it's fair to call Urban Meyer a "liar" as regards things he said this past summer. Yes. His wife --- yes, I understand that people will come to their loved one's defenses. But sometimes people also have blind spots. I've criticized Jay Paterno for being blind to the truth as regards...
  18. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    I don't play the victim either (1) here or (2) in my life as a whole. But fair enough --- I can't tell Shelley "she's not a victim" because I'm a Penn State fan. So I'll ask you. You're not a Penn State fan. Do you think Shelley Meyer is being victimized by people selling "Urban Liar" t-shirts?
  19. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    Sure it was unoriginal. I wouldn't buy or wear an "Urban Liar" t-shirt. It's tacky, it's tribal, and using phrases like that lowers the sophistication level of a conversation. But I'll admit it --- I'm one of the folk ("michnittlion" as my user name) in that thread on BWI that is critical of...
  20. Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

    If Shelley Meyer is rattled by "Urban Liar" t-shirts, she needs a thicker skin. It is what it is --- the poster above me is using the moniker "Ped State." I'll be hearing that as a PSU alum until I die. That moniker doesn't bother me. And "Urban Liar' will be a moniker used by folk (not...