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  1. tOSU Admission Standards

    I'm one of these smart "incoming freshman" haha. I hope OSU doesnt kill me :D
  2. Should Colleges Pay Players?

    It's time to end the charade of amateurism in college football and let the athletes share in the spoils of this multibillion-dollar entertainment industry. Sure, at one time college football was consistent with the mission of a university to educate and provide for the well-being of its student...
  3. 2007 Ohio State Offense

    You said he doesnt have the finesse of Ginn? I believe finesse is more valuable to a tailback over a wide out anyday. You dont need THAT much finesse to run a streak or post route. You need speed, and Saine has a lot of speed.
  4. 2007 Ohio State Offense

    If you put Saine behind Beanie and MoWells, he is gunna be sitting until his Senior year. He wouldn't really add anything to the offense save a few plays here and there, I feel he would be more lethal at WR.
  5. 2007 Ohio State Offense

    Im telling you, they should convert Saine to WR. He is a carbon copy of Ginn basically.
  6. NCAA - slowly ruining football (rules changes - merged)

    NCAA Clock Rules Good Read http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?id=2731820
  7. 2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

    Saine should be turned into a WR. I see him being the next Ginn
  8. Early Departures for 2007 NFL Draft (merged)

    I didnt see a thread made specifically for the discussion of this
  9. Early Departures for 2007 NFL Draft (merged)

    Ginn, Smith, Gonzalez, and Pittman All going to the draft. This is depressing
  10. Who's your favorite 2007 Buckeye?

    How could i forget Little Animal. And damn i would wax Carrie Underwood till she called me daddy!
  11. Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

    i just listen to the song, "ive seen better days" by sublime. Cheers me up pronto.
  12. Who's your favorite 2007 Buckeye?

    Mo Wells and Beanie Wells, Malcolm Jenkins, Ray Small
  13. 2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

    Well in my Dynasty on NCAA 07, Boeckman becomes a heisman candidate at the end of the season. So it must be true.
  14. Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

    Ill take Tressel over Carr anyday
  15. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Thanks, I was getting worried that i was the only one haha. The older ones made the shoulders seem more... fuller i guess. I dont like how they took the helmet stripe and just shoved it on the shoulders....other than that the Jerseys are fine
  16. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Old Jerseys or New Jerseys I personally feel like the older jerseys were much much better than the new ones nike came out with. I dont see why all these teams are on a jersey changing spree. I dont like how on the shoulders the jersey comes out underneath the stripe. Old Jersey New