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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

I think we'll lose 2 games but If we can do two things A) find a QB who just won't turn the ball over it and B)get some lucky bounces I don't see it far fetched that we could go into the Michigan game undefeated again. I think the first 5-6 games of the season will really help this young offense and a defense who has to replace some people as well... So what do you guys think will be the strenghts next year?? heres what I say

The OL- 3 outta 5 return, and we still have cordle who was good enough when mangold played to be one of the top 8 lineman.

RB- If pittman stays look out, but even if he doesn't we got Wells/Wells/Saine/Herron.. we'll be fine and I like the different styles of all 4 backs.

the back 7 on defense- they'll all be there and hopefully we should get a more aggressive system due to our experience now. Should be a good to great back 7 depending on how the linebackers improve. I really think the linebackers need to get some work done in the offseason if they want to be considered Elite.
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Taosman;713419; said:
A #4 rank seems high to me with losing our QB.
I would put us low, top ten.......like 8-10.
Early schedule could help , but it comes down to how our new QB does.
Well in my Dynasty on NCAA 07, Boeckman becomes a heisman candidate at the end of the season. So it must be true.
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PrincetonBuckeye;711771; said:
preseason polls or "opinions" mean nothing to me anymore.....they have not been prevalent in the past few years......
Fair or not, preseason polls mean everything. Of course, preseason opinions from the prognosticators mean the exact same as December opinions: Nothing, because the prognosticators and pollsters are different people (usually). But they're also not to be completely disregarded. Preseason polls shape the season. (Ideally, I'd love to see the polls ditched until the same week the BCS standings come out, but that's not gonna happen.)

And the preseason polls have nailed three of the past four championship game participants: USC, Texas, OSU. So I'd say they've been very prevalent.

As for my predictions for OSU next season, a one-loss year seems VERY ambitious. Teams lacking in experience, as appears likely for the Buckeyes next year, usually get upset a couple times. And while it's WAY too soon to predict the outcomes of any games, especially the Michigan-OSU game, Michigan's gotta be the early favorite to win, based on experience, returning talent, and home-field. You'd expect me to say that, of course, just as I don't expect a single one of you guys to predict an OSU loss in that one; but I think most of the early opinions back me up, that Michigan will be considered the better team up to kickoff, unless they falter or OSU surprises people.
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HailToMichigan;713650; said:
Fair or not, preseason polls mean everything. Of course, preseason opinions from the prognosticators mean the exact same as December opinions: Nothing, because the prognosticators and pollsters are different people (usually). But they're also not to be completely disregarded. Preseason polls shape the season. (Ideally, I'd love to see the polls ditched until the same week the BCS standings come out, but that's not gonna happen.)

And the preseason polls have nailed three of the past four championship game participants: USC, Texas, OSU. So I'd say they've been very prevalent.

As for my predictions for OSU next season, a one-loss year seems VERY ambitious. Teams lacking in experience, as appears likely for the Buckeyes next year, usually get upset a couple times. And while it's WAY too soon to predict the outcomes of any games, especially the Michigan-OSU game, Michigan's gotta be the early favorite to win, based on experience, returning talent, and home-field. You'd expect me to say that, of course, just as I don't expect a single one of you guys to predict an OSU loss in that one; but I think most of the early opinions back me up, that Michigan will be considered the better team up to kickoff, unless they falter or OSU surprises people.

I would agree. Anything better than 9-3 for tOSU in '07 and I'm estatic. Also, at this point scUM would have to be favored in The Game next year.

That being said tsun is going to take a big step backward on D and will still have Carr handicapping the offense regardless of talent. Any team that can run the spread and has a stout run D can give tsun fits next year imo. Any team that can do those 2 things and has enough talent on D limit MM's damage has a real good shot to beat tsun in 2007.
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Jaxbuck;713676; said:
I would agree. Anything better than 9-3 for tOSU in '07 and I'm estatic.

I said that exact same thing in a thread last spring about this season. I guess I should be estatic but I sure feel like shit right now!

As for what I think about 2007, we don't know who's coming back yet so I don't think there is any point in making predictions yet. I do remember reading before the Texas game that no one has ever won an NC with a first year starter, so I'd say an NC is probably not in the picture.
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Who will step up big next year?

Of course we know Beanie is going to be huge and anyone who chooses not to bolt for the NFL (Pittman or Ginn), and Jenkins and Lauranaitis and what not, but who do you think is going to be the pleasant surprise star next year? We always have at least one, so I figure, maybe one of us can hit the nail on the head.

Robo will be big of course, but I think Ray Small is going to have a breakthrough year. D. Washington I think will also evolve into one of the premier corners in the conference.

Small, Washington, and I think Gholston (who is already established) will finally get national acclaim.
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I am hoping Amos and a QB. I think our success next year will be on how well a QB can step up and manage the game and not make costly mistakes. Wow, talk about insight huh. I am really hoping there is no QB controversey and someone steps up early and becomes the man.
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HailToMichigan;713650; said:
And while it's WAY too soon to predict the outcomes of any games, especially the Michigan-OSU game, Michigan's gotta be the early favorite to win, based on experience, returning talent, and home-field.

I don't know about that one. You guys have a lot to replace on the left side of your O line. More importantly, you've got to replace the kitchen sink on defense (Branch, Woodley, Biggs, Hall, Harris), besides Crable. You've got a lot of talent coming back on the offensive side of the ball, but you had better hope you can win some shootouts b/c your defense has gaping holes.
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buckeyeboy;714137; said:
I don't know about that one. You guys have a lot to replace on the left side of your O line. More importantly, you've got to replace the kitchen sink on defense (Branch, Woodley, Biggs, Hall, Harris), besides Crable. You've got a lot of talent coming back on the offensive side of the ball, but you had better hope you can win some shootouts b/c your defense has gaping holes.
True. Looks like next year might be Michigan's offense vs. OSU's defense, instead of the other way round like this year, huh? The defense will need to have a lot of people stepping up, that's for sure. There are some guys like Chris Graham and Brandon Logan I expect to see play much bigger roles and do a fine job. Question is will OSU have the personnel to take advantage? You'll have the whole season to gel and gain experience, but so will our defense.

Not making any pretenses that our season next year will be like this past one. We're ranked so high for four reasons: Henne, Hart, Manningham, reputation. But this will be the third year for these guys playing together, and all the seniors came back to beat OSU. Motivation factor will be huge.
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Secondary;713586; said:
Well in my Dynasty on NCAA 07, Boeckman becomes a heisman candidate at the end of the season. So it must be true.

Chris Wells was a heisman finalist and broke the Ohio State single season rushing record with close to 2100 yards (his sophomore season), so we should look forward to that :wink2: .
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At worst you have two BIG guys with strong arms fighting it out for QB. Being from Cincinnati I'm hoping it's Schoenhoft, but either way both have been "on the team" for two years and should know the system.

The line backers will be experienced. The main receivers will be experienced and the young ones sound like they bring a lot to the mix. Wells is a horse (I'm assuming Pittman is gone). The lines will be a mix of youth and experience. No one is going to steal Bollman or Heacock, so the coaching staff is set.

We get Wisconsin... who will be breaking in a new QB... at home, and Michigan looses a lot whether Henne, Long, Hart stay or go.

I like the looks of the situation. It certainly feels better than when we lost all three linebackers.
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Next year will be fun to watch.

It can be painful at times breaking in a new QB, but there is no reason to believe that one of the 3 can't step up and lead the offense. There is a very solid bunch of WR's (- Ginn and Gonzo), and with Wells in the backfield I think he will have a breakout year. Now lets take a look at the 3 QB canidates:

1. Todd Boeckman - At this point I would say he is the leader to due the most experience. He will be a junior in eligbility but has will of been through 4 spring ball practices and 3 full seasons of practice before the fall practice opens up. He is a big pocket type passer that could be perfect for the I-formation and 3 WR sets we will probably be seeing next year. The thing that many people forget about him is that he is a coaches son so he has the QB head on his shoulders and he is going to do anything he can do to win this job. I think it will be his in the end, just hope that he can hold onto the job. He isnt going to have the pressure that Zwick had due to all the hype coming out of high school. This could very well be like the Krenzel situation of a smart QB that did what he had to do to win games.

2. Robbie - He was an elite 11 QB coming out of high school. He has a cannon for an arm, he has nice mobility for a tall qb, much like Krenzel in terms of mobility. He has had trouble with accuracy, but has been here for a redshirt year and a season where he got a little bit of pt.

3. Henton - I would say he is the wildcard here. He was underrated coming out of high school, he has a great ball, great mobility, is a pass first then run QB. His high school film was great, and there have been reports out of practice about how impressive he has been. Will he be good enough to start as a redshirt freshmen we shall see.

At the RB we will be thin, especially if Pittman leaves and Mo Wells leaves. So lets look at the worst possible option.

Beanie - He is going to come into his own next year. He is going to need a great offseason where he is ready to take a pounding next year. He could see the ball 25-30 times a game. He has stated that he is better as the game goes one, so I see him like Corey Dillon in that he wears the defense down as the game goes on and smaller guys don't want to get into his way as much. He showed this year that he can be effective in short yardage, so lets hope that he can hold on to the ball and have a very good season next year. Could easily go for over 1300 yds and 15 tds. Should be great to see him in the redzone fulltime next season.

Mo Wells - at this point I think he leaves, but if he stays the staff is going to have to find ways to make him be effective.

B Saine - I think he will get his carries and lets hope that he can make some things happen. He has speed that is uncoachable. Had a great senior season and a nice all-star game. He could end up at any position, but he is going to need to take some carries from Beanie for us to be successful in the running game IMO.

Boom - If Mo Wells stays he could take a redshirt if not I think he could be a solid backup to Saine and Wells. I think he is going to suprise people here. Much like Pittman did. Great system he was in and played thru an injury this year. Also was a camp offer. We have all seen how those work out.

Wr's also preparing for the worst no Ginn or Gonzo. We have a solid core, but we need someone to step up as the deep threat.

Robo - He has the goods to be great. I think his speed is a little underrated, but we didnt rely on him to get deep this season to stretch the field. I think he can. He also has the ability to go up and get the ball, and has great ability along the sidelines and has great hands. Could very well become the QB's goto guy.

Hartline - I see him the same way as Robo with underated speed. Another guy with great moves. I think that he will also break out next year and be a nice compliment to Robo. They both also have great size at 6'3'' to where they will be able to bully the cb's.

Small - If he can put any problems he might have aside and develop into a student of the game I think he could be dynamite. People compare him to Ginn, I don't think he is there, but if he can provide half of what Ginn did he will be fine next season. Wouldn't mind seeing him motion into the backfield a little and running the ball much like Harvin did for UF. He was also a rb in high school. He needs a good offseason to gain some size tho as he is very tiny.

Dukes - He is my breakout player for next year. Yes he was passed by Robo and Hartline this year, but he has all the tools and reports have been that he stepped up in practice towards the end of the season. I think the light will fully go on and he will step up and have a big year.

Dane, Washington, Torrence, Clifford, Saine - I think there is a chance that one or two of these guys sees times at WR and doesnt redshirt. We are going to need a 5th guy and I don't think Lyons is it. All have the potential to be special in their own right.

TE's I think they could be the Qb's best friend next year.

Nicol and Ballard could both make plays for us in their own right and are both great blockers. They will help the running game and should be able to make some big catches. Also be interesting to see if Miller added enough weight to contribute and would be nice to see Smith out there some as well.

FB's could see more time next year as I think we will be in the I alot.

Johnson - Has played the past 2 years and has proven to be an adequate blocker. Hopefully he can be a head hunter for Wells and opens up big holes.

Olson - He was hurt in fall practice and we never really got reports about him, but from his high school video he is a head hunter and could be able to open holes for Wells.

OL We have some good players coming back.

Boone - He has had trouble at times with speed rushers, but the line really struggled when he went down with his injury. I think he is going to have a great offseason and become one of the leaders of the line.

Barton - I think he is coming back to be a captain. Him and Boone make bookend tackles. Barton has been very solid ever since he came here. I look for him to really take charge in the weightroom and lead the team.

Rehring - He has also been solid ever since he got here. Him and Boone on the left side are going to open holes up for Wells and protect the QB.

Skinner - I think that he will man the rg spot. He looked very good in his time off the bench early in the season when the staff was playing 2 lines.

Cordle, Whaley - One of these two guys are going to man the C position. The team picked Whaley ahead of Cordle last year in the spring game draft. I think both are very athletic c's and will man the middle of the line very well.

Person, Mitchum - I think these two will also see some time next year, but at this point they are just behind guys on teh depth chart. They both need big time offseasons.

Kerr, Browning, Smith, Blankenship - They are all going to be filling in spots on the 2 deep. They will all use next season to get bigger and better their technique.

I will post thoughts on the defense at a later time. We should also know more about the offense after the 2 oclock press conference when I think Gonzo says he is gone and then after Pittman also does the same when ever he is ready to do so. If those 2 come back we will have an even better offense than the one that I think we will have.
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