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2007 Ohio State Offense


This guy's a real jerk
I did this last year so i figured it would be a good thing to do this year. Enjoy!!!

2007 Ohio State Preview: Offense
Quarterback- The departure of Troy Smith left a huge hole in the offense, but one of three formidable backups will take over the quarterback role next season. The first is fifth year junior Todd Boeckman who many think may have the inside track on the starting job because of his knowledge of the system. Second is Rob Schoenhoft, a highly touted redshirt sophomore from Cincinnati who has a cannon for an arm and has surprising mobility. Last, but certainly not least is redshirt freshman Antonio Henton, Henton is the most athletic out of the group and is a proven winner having led his high school team to the Georgia state championship as a senior.
Bottom Line- Any of the three could earn the starting position but Boeckman seems like he has the edge and it looks like he?ll carry that edge in to regular season.
Depth Chart

  1. 17 Todd Boeckman
  2. 16 Rob Schoenhoft
  3. 7 Antonio Henton
Running Back- With Antonio Pittman leaving early for the NFL it looks as if the Beanie era has begun. Sophomore Chris "Beanie" Wells, the top rated recruit from the 2006 recruiting class who rushed for over 500 yards and 7 touchdowns in backup duty is the obvious pick for starter next year. Beanie is a bruiser but he can also break one loose at any time (see 2006 Michigan game). Backing Beanie will be the speedy junior Maurice Wells from Sandalwood, Florida. Rounding out the group is incoming freshman Brandon Saine, a powerful back with track star speed can also catch the ball out of the backfield and return kicks and punts. Another incoming freshman, Daniel "Boom" Herron is expected to redshirt.
Bottom Line- This looks to be a solid group that will be headed by a possible Heisman candidate in Chris Wells
Depth Chart

  1. 28 Chris Wells
  2. 34 Maurice Wells
  3. ?? Brandon Saine
Fullback- Losing a reliable player in Stan White Jr. never helps but replacing him will be senior Dionte Johnson, a bruising blocker that will open holes well for Beanie Wells and the other backs. Backing Johnson will be redshirt freshman Aram Olson, the number one rated fullback in the country his senior year in high school.
Bottom Line- Dionte Johnson is a great blocker that will aid the Offensive line in opening holes for the backs, Not much of a drop-off for this position from last year.
Depth Chart

  1. 49 Dionte Johnson
  2. 43 Aram Olson
Wide Receiver- After losing two superstars in Ted Ginn Jr. and Anthony Gonzalez, some would think the Bucks would be bare at this position but there is great depth at this position. Starring at the Split End position will be Brian Robiskie, a junior who caught five touchdown passes last year. Brian Hartline a shifty, speedy receiver appears to be the potential starter at the flanker position, except in three-wide sets where he could be moved to the slot position. Next is Ray Small a blazing fast receiver from the same high school as Ted Ginn Jr., Small will most likely play the flanker position in place of Hartline in three-wide sets. Albert Dukes, Devon Lyons, and incoming freshman Dane Sanzenbacher seem to be the favorites to round out the group. Incoming freshman Taurian Washington is likely to redshirt.
Bottom Line- Replacing Ginn and Gonzalez will not be easy but Robiskie, Hartline, and Small will have something to say about that.
Depth Chart

  1. 80 Brian Robiskie
  2. 18 Devon Lyons

  1. 4 Ray Small
  2. 5 Albert Dukes

  1. 9 Brian Hartline
  2. ?? Dane Sanzenbacher
Tight End- The same group from last year returns, it?s a solid group headed by junior Rory Nicol. Nicol caught three touchdown passes last year and looks to be a main target in the offense with the departure of two key wide receivers. Sophomore Jake Ballard caught only one pass last year but resulted in a touchdown, it was a fantastic catch and that could be the sign of a great future. Finishing out the group is Brandon Smith a converted linebacker who looks to contribute to the offense significantly this year.
Bottom Line- Look for the tight ends to be a big part of the offense next year because of the possibility of a more conservative play-calling style.
Depth Chart

  1. 88 Rory Nicol
  2. 86 Jake Ballard
  3. 87 Brandon Smith
Center- After two straight years of losing a Rimington award candidate, the Buckeyes always seem to be strong at the center position. Jim Cordle a sophomore from Lancaster seems to have a slight edge over Tyler Whaley heading into winter conditioning. Whaley will not give up the starting job easily, he was number two on the depth chart for the majority of last year behind Doug Datish.
Bottom Line- Regardless of who starts, who can?t go wrong with either, but I think Cordle will edge out Whaley ever so slightly to get the first start.
Depth Chart

  1. 64 Jim Cordle
  2. 54 Tyler Whaley
Guard- Ohio State lost only two linemen to graduation, and on of them is at the guard position. Ben Person, a sophomore will replace T.J. Downing and will be backed up by highly touted redshirt freshman Connor Smith. The other guard position will be manned by an All-American candidate in junior Steve Rehring. Junior Kyle Mitchum will back up Rehring.
Bottom Line- Having an All-American candidate never hurts and Ben Person finally can prove he?s as good as he was touted to be.
Depth Chart

  1. 71 Steve Rehring
  2. 67 Kyle Mitchum

  1. 63 Ben Person
  2. 77 Connor Smith
Tackle- This could very well be the strongest position on the offense. Junior Alex Boone and senior Kirk Barton are legitimate All-American candidates but could use a little more work when going up against quick defensive ends. Daniel Dye and Jon Skinner look to be the backups.
Bottom Line- Running in between the tackles could be Ohio States bread and butter with Boone and Barton manning the tackles positions.
Depth Chart

  1. 75 Alex Boone
  2. 78 Daniel Dye

  1. 74 Kirk Barton
  2. 79 Jon Skinner
By the way, I'll have a defensive one and a special teams one posted later today.
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RB depth is a huge issue. I don't care how good the incoming kids were in HS. They will struggle with pass pro among other adjustments, let alone the physical pounding and longer season. They just can't be counted on.

An injury to Beanie could essentially cripple the offense next year, especially if it happened early. No way the new passing game will be able to handle being that one dimensional AND likely having pass blocking issues.

The NC game gave us a very good look at what a spread offense without a legit deep threat looks like and how easy it is to defend it if you have enough decent DB's. Ginns departure will be felt big time if the run game isn't dominant.

EVERYTHING offensively in 2007 depends on a healthy, durable, fumble free and ultra productive Beanie Wells.
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Next year, Robiskie and and Hartline will have to find a way to become last years Gonzo and Ginn. It would have been nice if one of the two had stayed for their final year to help out the WR corp, but we have to deal with what we have. Not saying that Robiskie and Hartline aren't talented, but they have to step to the plate and deliver big time. They need to make DBs aware that they can be a legitimate deep threat, or else they will just key in on Beanie. The WRs need to step up next year not only to open up the passing game, but also the running game for Beanie.
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zBuckeye10z;718415; said:
Next year, Robiskie and and Hartline will have to find a way to become last years Gonzo and Ginn. It would have been nice if one of the two had stayed for their final year to help out the WR corp, but we have to deal with what we have. Not saying that Robiskie and Hartline aren't talented, but they have to step to the plate and deliver big time. They need to make DBs aware that they can be a legitimate deep threat, or else they will just key in on Beanie. The WRs need to step up next year not only to open up the passing game, but also the running game for Beanie.
I don't see Robo or Hartline as the speedburner deep threat type guy. These guys are the more sure-handed, catch-it-in-traffic types. I'm hoping that Small or Dukes steps up to become that deep threat that Teddy vacates. Granted, no one will be Teddy, but we need a speed burner to provide that dimension.
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Secondary;718522; said:
If you put Saine behind Beanie and MoWells, he is gunna be sitting until his Senior year. He wouldn't really add anything to the offense save a few plays here and there, I feel he would be more lethal at WR.
Which is probably why it's been mentioned so often by him and others in his thread and recruitment :wink:

He's still a very different athlete than Ginn. He's very physical but isn't that agile... whereas Ginn is more of a finesse player with great agility.
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