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2007 Ohio State Offense

OHSportsFan9;718561; said:
Just because he is 3rd on the RB depth chart does not mean he won't see the field. MoWells and Beanie are better RBs, so therefore Saine would be 3rd. Howevere, he could still see the field in numerous positions, formations, or situations even as a freshman.

I believe that Saine is a better a better RB than MoWells and should come in and see time behind Beanie. Small scatbacks typically don't fair well in the big ten. Saine has a speed and power combination that is unique at the RB position. He should be given a good shot at returning kicks next year, I believe him and Small would be our 2 best threats.
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buckeye4ever21;718632; said:
I believe that Saine is a better a better RB than MoWells and should come in and see time behind Beanie. Small scatbacks typically don't fair well in the big ten. Saine has a speed and power combination that is unique at the RB position. He should be given a good shot at returning kicks next year, I believe him and Small would be our 2 best threats.

I think you're going to see Saine play more a deep threat receiver than you do a running back... When he does line up at RB, look for him to hit the corners like Reggie Bush and Antonio Pittman did so well.
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I hope Saine or Harron is good enough to be the #2 over a 3rd year player.... Call me whatever, but I still like Mo Wells and haven't been underwhelmed by him like a lot of folks. I think its beyond probability, however, that a true frosh walks in and sits at #2 on the DC over a guy with 3 years in the system (assuming no transfer, of course)
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Saine looks purely like a RB to me plus with as dangerous as he is, you can get the ball in his hands more at the RB position. I believe Tress will utilize the run a lot more on next years team. If we land Wright then I look for Clifford to possibly make the switch to reciever next year. Clifford plays the ball well in the air and projects better at a WR than Saine does.
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buckeye4ever21;718652; said:
Saine looks purely like a RB to me plus with as dangerous as he is, you can get the ball in his hands more at the RB position. I believe Tress will utilize the run a lot more on next years team. If we land Wright then I look for Clifford to possibly make the switch to reciever next year. Clifford plays the ball well in the air and projects better at a WR than Saine does.

He'd be a dangerous swing screen kind of back! Like run an i Form, swing him out and get it to him in the flat... With that break-away speed, he could do some damage...
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;718646; said:
I hope Saine or Harron is good enough to be the #2 over a 3rd year player.... Call me whatever, but I still like Mo Wells and haven't been underwhelmed by him like a lot of folks. I think its beyond probability, however, that a true frosh walks in and sits at #2 on the DC over a guy with 3 years in the system (assuming no transfer, of course)

I kinda agree with you about Wells. We have never really seen him get the ball with consistency.

He had 2 guys that we future 1st or 2nd round nfl type players in front of him. Meaning he wasnt going to get a lot of carries, unless later in the game and it is hard to judge a player from what they do in mop up time.

If he gets a solid amount of carries he could put up some nice numbers especially if we can get him outside and in space. I also think he could see some time in the shot-ginn formation.

I honestly think that all this could be moot as I think that MoWells will transfer...
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buckeye4ever21;718652; said:
Saine looks purely like a RB to me plus with as dangerous as he is, you can get the ball in his hands more at the RB position. I believe Tress will utilize the run a lot more on next years team. If we land Wright then I look for Clifford to possibly make the switch to reciever next year. Clifford plays the ball well in the air and projects better at a WR than Saine does.
Saine's biggest strength is pure speed. True, he has a build on him, but you can easily misuse his real strength.
The easiest way to wear down real speed is have it run twixt the tackles as a pure running back. We have the more powerful Wells to do that. Instead put him in space as a runner or receiver that gives him room to move, fast.
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I think you guys are really overrating Saine. How many true freshmen outside of Adrian Peterson come in and tear it up?

Reggie Bush was mainly a punt returner his freshman year, and Harvin took some time with Florida. We have to be realistic.
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I don't believe that banging him inside every play will be effective either but a mix of screens, runs outside and runs inside in my opinion will be the best way to use him. I just believe after watching him several times in person and watching his highlight reel that he doesn't make WR type cuts. He is the perfect change of pace back to CWells. I would like to see OSU use CWells and Saine like Clemson uses CJ Spiller and James Davis. Those 2 combined for over 2000 yards and 27 TDs last year. On a team next year with QB inconsistancy we will need a solid 2 back system.
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king rhabuf;718710; said:
I think you guys are really overrating Saine. How many true freshmen outside of Adrian Peterson come in and tear it up?​

Reggie Bush was mainly a punt returner his freshman year, and Harvin took some time with Florida. We have to be realistic.​

I don't mean to contradict with you but but being a huge fan of college football I can think of quite a few examples of freshmen that made huge impacts. In the Big Ten PJ Hill 1533 and 15 TDs, Mike Hart 1455 and 9 TDs, Tyrell Sutton 1474 and 16 TDs, Javon Ringer 817 and 5 TDs and MoC. I believe it depends just upon the situation the RB enters into, and because of our situation I only see 2 RBs physically ready to play in the big ten right now (CWells and Saine). The fact that MWells hasn't showed much and we don't have much experience back there leads me to believe he will have to make a decent impact.
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2008 Buckeyes

Sup guys, this is my first post but I ain't no n00b. lol.

Anyway, I gotta say i'm kinda worried with Ohio State's next team, as the NFL cut the heart out of their offense. :( However, I heard we're gettin a real good QB, forgot his name I know it has a V or N in it... but they say he is gonna be like Troy Smith, and I'm looking forward to seeing him play in the spring game. :oh:
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Nicknam4;812280; said:
Sup guys, this is my first post but I ain't no n00b. lol.

Anyway, I gotta say i'm kinda worried with Ohio State's next team, as the NFL cut the heart out of their offense. :( However, I heard we're gettin a real good QB, forgot his name I know it has a V or N in it... but they say he is gonna be like Troy Smith, and I'm looking forward to seeing him play in the spring game. :oh:
Antonio Henton? ... And you said you weren't a noob? :biggrin:

Welcome to BP
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