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2007 Ohio State Offense

Secondary;718522; said:
If you put Saine behind Beanie and MoWells, he is gunna be sitting until his Senior year. He wouldn't really add anything to the offense save a few plays here and there, I feel he would be more lethal at WR.

You may be right, but i'm relatively confident that the staff will put him where he has the most potential and I think that is running back, but he could line up at receiver in some formations.
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RhodeIslandBuck;718530; said:
You may be right, but i'm relatively confident that the staff will put him where he has the most potential and I think that is running back, but he could line up at receiver in some formations.

Might they use him like a Reggie Bush clone perhaps??

Teddy never really was like Reggie Bush as he wasn't a true RB....

If Saine really is blazing fast, don't you think they could use him like USC used Bush perhaps?
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You said he doesnt have the finesse of Ginn? I believe finesse is more valuable to a tailback over a wide out anyday. You dont need THAT much finesse to run a streak or post route. You need speed, and Saine has a lot of speed.
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Secondary;718522; said:
If you put Saine behind Beanie and MoWells, he is gunna be sitting until his Senior year. He wouldn't really add anything to the offense save a few plays here and there, I feel he would be more lethal at WR.
Just because he is 3rd on the RB depth chart does not mean he won't see the field. MoWells and Beanie are better RBs, so therefore Saine would be 3rd. Howevere, he could still see the field in numerous positions, formations, or situations even as a freshman.
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Might they use him like a Reggie Bush clone perhaps??
That's been what the coaches have told him according to his updates... I can see occasionally deploying him out wide, but am curious to see it in action due to their different styles.
Secondary;718554; said:
You said he doesnt have the finesse of Ginn? I believe finesse is more valuable to a tailback over a wide out anyday. You dont need THAT much finesse to run a streak or post route. You need speed, and Saine has a lot of speed.
I was contrasting finesse vs physical play.

Ginn is lightning quick, pretty thin, and can break your ankle at full speed.
Saine is quick in a straight line, very strong, and isn't that elusive in the open field.

Saine is somewhat of a faster Erik Haw. I'm merely pointing out that they really aren't similar athletes.
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RhodeIslandBuck;718530; said:
You may be right, but i'm relatively confident that the staff will put him where he has the most potential and I think that is running back, but he could line up at receiver in some formations.

I agree that Saine should try to be turned into a WR. It wouldnt make sense to keep Saine on the bench until his senior year while he is as good as he is. Take his talent and use it in a productive way. I think that if he is smart enough, they could turn him so WR is his best position while his RB skills can still be used. He could be a dynamic player for OSU.
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Mo Wells graduates in 2 years. Chris Wells could go pro in 2 years if he carries the offense like he is expected to do. In that scenario, Saine would only have to wait two years to start.

Plus, Mo Wells has yet to be productive between the tackles. If Saine can handle pass protection and playbook assignments, he would probably have a shot at spelling Beanie.
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jwinslow;718569; said:
Mo Wells graduates in 2 years. Chris Wells could go pro in 2 years if he carries the offense like he is expected to do. In that scenario, Saine would only have to wait two years to start.

Plus, Mo Wells has yet to be productive between the tackles. If Saine can handle pass protection and playbook assignments, he would probably have a shot at spelling Beanie.

Good Point, to be a successful back in the Big ten you have to be able to run between the tackles, that something that I think could but Saine ahead of MoWells at some point in the season.
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Or they could use Saine as how the Saints are using Bush. As a receiving RB coming out of the backfield on swing passes or some kind of receiving mode. They need to utilize as soon as possible (this year or next year latest) this kid because he has way too much talent to waste.
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I don't get the big deal over whether Saine will be a RB or a WR. A lot of teams get plenty of reps to 2 RBs a year. Not to mention, we've got plenty of WRs too. He's not guaranteed more playing time at WR, we're a little thin at RB, and I think its more likely that Beanie leaves early than stay all 4 years.
I do like the idea of using him in a Bush kind of way, especially if it's coming from the staff.
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Man that'd just be awesome to see them use saine in a different variety of ways.. I don't think they'll play him like we hope (ala Reggie Bush). watchin Saine's video he does look very uptight, blazing speed, but just not much ability to juke and jive and all that. Hopefully Saine can find a spot somewhere! we'll need him to contribute this year!
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