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You're a hipster if.....

Hipster = beatnik = hippie.


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Since when did hyper-narcissism and delayed adolescence become synonymous with socially conscious?
It's just one of the things they do. Not everyone has that particular affliction. And that's one of the things that makes them funny to regular people. They'll support efforts to feed people overseas but not see their local impact on working people.
What makes people really angry is when they invade and push out working class people like what is happening in Oakland. And Oakland has historically been a "inclusive" part of the Bay area.
Then we wonder about their social consciousness. But how many would consider the consequences of such a move?
"Delayed adolescence"? If you want to call it that for 30 something's. But a lot of 30 something's aren't fully integrated in society at that age. And seem more interested in their own lives. So that seems a simplification. Meh.
So we wonder how much of this is our being "judgmental"?
Maybe it's an opportunity for us to examine our lives?
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"Delayed adolescence" was a poor phrase by me. I meant to say "perpetual adolescence" or "delayed adulthood", by which I mean the failure to take on responsibilities beyond what makes the individual feel good.
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