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Why does it seem like ESPN (on all platforms) is trying to make the NCAA's decision for them (lack of institutional control mentioned in every story, bowl ban, loss of scholarships, etc.)?

It seems like the network is trying to tell both Ohio State and the NCAA what to do.
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CHU;1932687; said:
Why does it seem like ESPN (on all platforms) is trying to make the NCAA's decision for them (lack of institutional control mentioned in every story, bowl ban, loss of scholarships, etc.)?

It seems like the network is trying to tell both Ohio State and the NCAA what to do.

Simply because ESPN is (and has been for quite a while) SEC shills. The only time that garbage station is on my TV anymore is if there is a game on. Sports Center has jumped the shark and their tabloid-like journalism is disgusting.
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Buck 'em up;1932691; said:
Simply because ESPN is (and has been for quite a while) SEC shills. The only time that garbage station is on my TV anymore is if there is a game on. Sports Center has jumped the shark and their tabloid-like journalism is disgusting.

Took the exact same tact -- only games -- until Monday when Coach Tressel resigned. Will return to that script tomorrow evening.

I now see exactly why I turned off ESPN TV and Radio in 2009.

You actually have to ask yourself if Ohio State was Texas would the coverage be the same.
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CHU;1932687; said:
Why does it seem like ESPN (on all platforms) is trying to make the NCAA's decision for them (lack of institutional control mentioned in every story, bowl ban, loss of scholarships, etc.)?

It seems like the network is trying to tell both Ohio State and the NCAA what to do.

I think you guys are taking it a bit too personal here. You guys have one of the largest and best funded compliance departments in the nation and a former coach (Cooper) is out there saying he pretty much couldn't even take a dump without compliance taking note of it while he was here and yet this has apparently been going on for the better part of a decade without compliance even being the slightest bit aware of it? From a 3rd party outsider who has no horse in this race at all like myself it sure looks like there are some significant institutional control issues and I don't think it's unreasonable for ESPN or any other news outlet to mention that angle.
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Darkmyst;1932706; said:
I think you guys are taking it a bit too personal here. You guys have one of the largest and best funded compliance departments in the nation and a former coach (Cooper) is out there saying he pretty much couldn't even take a dump without compliance taking note of it while he was here and yet this has apparently been going on for the better part of a decade without compliance even being the slightest bit aware of it? From a 3rd party outsider who has no horse in this race at all like myself it sure looks like there are some significant institutional control issues and I don't think it's unreasonable for ESPN or any other news outlet to mention that angle.

What ESPN fails to mention is that we SELF REPORT. How can there be a total lack of institutional control when the institution turns itself in?
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Cincinnatibuck;1932710; said:
What ESPN fails to mention is that we SELF REPORT. How can there be a total lack of institutional control when the institution turns itself in?

Because the LOIC charge is about failures in monitoring compliance with NCAA rules and has nothing to do with who reported it.
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Darkmyst;1932706; said:
I think you guys are taking it a bit too personal here. You guys have one of the largest and best funded compliance departments in the nation and a former coach (Cooper) is out there saying he pretty much couldn't even take a dump without compliance taking note of it while he was here and yet this has apparently been going on for the better part of a decade without compliance even being the slightest bit aware of it? From a 3rd party outsider who has no horse in this race at all like myself it sure looks like there are some significant institutional control issues and I don't think it's unreasonable for ESPN or any other news outlet to mention that angle.

It's not just this one instance with ESPN though. They have a pattern of denigrating the Big 10 as a whole and specifically OSU. The were all over the Buckeyes when the Mo Clarrett situation came out and it turned out to be nothing they had egg on their faces. The way they dug into Ohio State is much more vicious than they way they handled the Cam Newton thing. Why? Because they are SEC lapdogs. I don't need some douche in a cheap suit and tie to tell me that the SEC is good every 3 seconds, I have eyes I can see that for myself. They went from a network for hardcore sports fans to a network that caters to the lowest common denominator. They sensationalize everything trying to draw in the gullible. See Brett Favre, the OSU situation. They went from reporting sports news to trying to MAKE sports news. And the sad thing is the generation of fans behind my generation (I am 35 for what its worth) has their opinions so clouded by the mighty sports network it is sickening. I prefer to form my own opinion rather than have a biased and overly dramatic television station tell me what my opinion should be.
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Cincinnatibuck;1932721; said:
If you are not monitoring how do you know what/when to report?

I also think people need to be reminded.... The JT email scandal was uncovered randomly during research done for Big Ten expansion. How easy would it have been to just move along with the Big Ten expansion and forget those emails were ever there. The path we took was the exact opposite of LOIC.

USC got LOIC because they knew what was going on, didn't report it, then stonewalled for 4 years, while their AD ran his mouth constantly trashing the NCAA.
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BuckeyeNation27;1932487; said:
I'm sorry......did you say enabling? When a bad parent shrugs and says boys will be boys while his/her brat throws rocks at passing cars, that's enabling. Straight up handing over $180k so a QB will come to your school is a little bit more than enabling.

Gator, save it.
Yes, it's enabling. You don't agree...fine, but it's enabling when you turn a blind eye to it.

Meanwhile, the whole Cam $180k business has yet to be sorted, so I really can't say what will happen there. Is that enabling...sure, but that doesn't change what OUR program did.
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