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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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DiaBuckeye;1885544; said:
Lol really guys? This is the internet we're talking about. If there is information available to "Scout Private", then it is available 7 seconds later to anyone who looks hard enough. And I find it funny that some claim to hold out said information anyways siting illegality. Really? Make a new username and make one post through a private proxy. It is not difficult. And I get the whole "stealing from another website" aspect jlb and mods, all I'm saying is some people should stop pretending to be so damn pious.

Not all about piety. We will take down premium material immediately. We're different and proud of it.
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DiaBuckeye;1885544; said:
Lol really guys? This is the internet we're talking about. If there is information available to "Scout Private", then it is available 7 seconds later to anyone who looks hard enough. And I find it funny that some claim to hold out said information anyways siting illegality. Really? Make a new username and make one post through a private proxy. It is not difficult. And I get the whole "stealing from another website" aspect jlb and mods, all I'm saying is some people should stop pretending to be so damn pious.

Nobody's being pious. The rules are there for good reasons though - reasons that have an effect on the quality of information available here at BP. That's about all that needs to be said about that.
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Report: Tressel faces penalties, won't be fired

March 8, 2011 4:29 PM | No Comments | UPDATED STORY

The Columbus Dispatch reports: Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel has not resigned and has not been fired, sources in the school's athletic department confirmed. They said Tressel will keep his job but faces possible sanctions and/or fines for commiting an NCAA rules violation.

Tressel will appear at a 6 p.m. (Chicago time) news conference Tuesday along with school president E. Gordon Gee and athletic director Gene Smith.

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BB73;1885534; said:
He says that JT was told about some of the players involvement in April, but that JT didn't pass the info on to compliance because it came from an attorney as part of an investigation, apparently in an e-mail or two that tOSU uncovered in January, 2011 while working on the appeal.

That should completely exonerate him from any requirement to notify anyone outside of law enforcement...he should face no sanctions at all if the bolded part is indeed the case.
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