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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BuckeyeMike80;2005682; said:
Some of the same people screeching now for him to dismiss these kids will be the same people screeching about the play-calling and the lack of experienced players on Saturdays too.

Trust the coaches.
Not true, I think they should have their schollies dropped and I never complain about My Team, or their coaches.
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Here's what bugs me about the whole thing....

Remember all the players John Cooper had that committed crimes?

Which would you rather have? a) some players that commit crimes or b) some players that take $$$ from boosters

Well, you really don't want either; however, (even though crimes are far worse) the irony of the situation is that crimes are not a NCAA violation. There is no NCAA punishment to a school/team when a player commits a felony; however, the team can end up getting put on probation, losing scholarships, and/or being banned from bowl games if a player accepts a few hundred dollars from a booster. Not to mention the agony of the NCAA investigation process can be prolonged (what seems like) forever.

Nobody ever said life was fair.

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buckeyebri;2005679; said:
You are right, Fick has nothing to gain, but the program does.

What if getting some of these guys back is eventually the difference this season in whether or not this team gets to a bowl game? Let's assume for a moment that this team has some seniors who are actually keeping their noses clean... Don't they deserve to get the most out of their senior season by maybe winning six games and going to a bowl?

Besides, respect doesn't mean dick in college football these days. Coach Tressel was as highly respected as they come, and look how that turned out for everybody. Take care of your program, take care of your players (within the rules, please) and to hell with what you, I, or anybody else thinks.
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jlb1705;2005887; said:
What if getting some of these guys back is eventually the difference this season in whether or not this team gets to a bowl game? Let's assume for a moment that this team has some seniors who are actually keeping their noses clean... Don't they deserve to get the most out of their senior season by maybe winning six games and going to a bowl?

Besides, respect doesn't mean dick in college football these days. Coach Tressel was as highly respected as they come, and look how that turned out for everybody. Take care of your program, take care of your players (within the rules, please) and to hell with what you, I, or anybody else thinks.
That's what got JT in trouble. The program is more important than any player IMO.
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buchtelgrad04;2005834; said:
If I felt like I could do a better job than anyone currently running to be in that position, then I would attempt. But since I know I'd be in way over my head, I wouldn't try and I don't go around telling a professional how to do their job.
You don't need to have a 43 MCAT to recognize a botched tit job.
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To me it appears JT was on a collission course with trouble if it wasn't tats it would've been jobs or something else he was too close to his players and needed the buffer of compliance which he didn't use...he was fine up to the day he got caught and now here the program is and GS & GEe didn't help with their comments..
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Buckeye513;2005891; said:
You don't need to have a 43 MCAT to recognize a botched tit job.

I don't need eyes, I only need hands to recognize a bad tits. :biggrin:

But, I agree. I'm not upset with people pointing out how terrible this whole ordeal was handled, because the poor PR has made this worse than the actual infractions. That wasn't really what I was getting at.

Or, that wasn't at what I was getting? The whole not ending sentences with prepositions thing confuses me.
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Several things.

1. You can conclude several things from this set of occurrences.
A. We have venal, corrupt players, unlike any that play at other D1A schools.
B. We have the same players as anyone else, but our boosters are more out-of-control.
C. This [Mark May], or [Mark May] just like it, happens everywhere, but we are under more scrutiny right now.

2. You can solve the problem in several ways.
A. Zero-tolerance policy. You screw up, you lose your schollie.
B. Modified ZTP. You screw up a few times, you lose your schollie.
C. Quit self-reporting, understanding that if you don't, you may skate in future or else suffer really severe penalties.

3. You can understand that this [Mark May]storm could have one of the following impacts.
A. We're [censored]ed for the next 15 years. All the dominance generated by Coach Tressel is gone, and we're Earle Bruce Years redux.
B. We're dead. We become SMU, or perhaps worse, Minnesota. Look at how many MNCs the Gophers have won if you think that can't happen.
C. We hire a magician who resurrects the program so that the Tressel winning tradition is preserved.

The correct answer to question 1 is "C," but neither the NCAA, ESPN, or anybody else outside of Buckeye Nation will admit it. So Conventional Wisdom will say we're the most corrupt program in the USA. I'd say how we should answer question 2 depends on how the NCAA rules on sanctions - if they hammer us, the answer should be C.

Question 3 can't be answered by us; it can only be answered by God.
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