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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OH10;1968292; said:
I'm pretty sure the university self-reported that he made money. The problem seems to be whether he does, in fact, have a tattoo of the William Oxley Library on his ass. If that's true, I don't care if we get the death penalty.

Or Roy Orbison.... What mamma don't know won't hurt her....

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OH10;1968292; said:
I'm pretty sure the university self-reported that he made money.
Uh-oh. Forde says Ellis says that he has a photocopy of a 1099...

But in all seriousness, this has to be a bucket of not-fun having to defend to a row of interrupting talking heads "respecting confidentiality" as your defense to not notifying compliance when you notified a kid's mentor.

A show cause ruling would not affect tOSU in any way, since he no longer coaches, but it would be a truly sad ending to a very successful career for such a proud and respected man. The logical "out" in this is for the NCAA to pile on Tressel and move on to Auburn and Oregon.
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Buck 'em up;1968247; said:
I forgot we are talking about college students. It's not like they will be chucking Miller or Budweiser or some micro-brew at the GD crew. Most likely Natti or Old Milwaukee would be my guess, but some people do like those two, so I say lets just go with BUCKYLE and consider any beer a good beer and go with the "To each his own" ideal.
Old Mil was 88 cents a long neck six-pack in college. I lived on that stuff. Finding a dollar on the ground was cause for rejoicing. :banger:
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Gatorubet;1968302; said:
Uh-oh. Forde says Ellis says that he has a photocopy of a 1099...

But in all seriousness, this has to be a bucket of not-fun having to defend to a row of interrupting talking heads "respecting confidentiality" as your defense to not notifying compliance when you notified a kid's mentor.

A show cause ruling would not affect tOSU in any way, since he no longer coaches, but it would be a truly sad ending to a very successful career for such a proud and respected man. The logical "out" in this is for the NCAA to pile on Tressel and move on to Auburn and Oregon.

Refresh my memory... 1099 is misc usually used for tips correct? is his 1099 gonna show he got tipped 10 signed mini-helmets and 5 gold pants?

Gator, could the Kleins use the "right to face your accuser" to get the identity of "Ellis" out in the open? Since "ellis" has accused Storm of breaking the rules.
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Gatorubet;1968302; said:
and move on to Auburn and Oregon.

While this NEEDS to happen, I am not holding my breath.

Maybe they're doing the OSU stuff to dispose of it so they can move on to their bigger and badder investigations at these other schools. I'm holding out hope for this, but then I am terribly naive.
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AuTX Buckeye;1968308; said:
Refresh my memory... 1099 is misc usually used for tips correct? is his 1099 gonna show he got tipped 10 signed mini-helmets and 5 gold pants?
Damn you and your ESPN FOI request inspiring post. :pissed:

AuTX Buckeye;1968308; said:
Gator, could the Kleins use the "right to face your accuser" to get the identity of "Ellis" out in the open? Since "ellis" has accused Storm of breaking the rules.
The NCAA Sixth Amendment reads, "You have a right to anal lube if we feel like it!...", which is a slight change from the other one.
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AuTX Buckeye;1968308; said:
Refresh my memory... 1099 is misc usually used for tips correct? is his 1099 gonna show he got tipped 10 signed mini-helmets and 5 gold pants?

Gator, could the Kleins use the "right to face your accuser" to get the identity of "Ellis" out in the open? Since "ellis" has accused Storm of breaking the rules.

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SmoovP;1968274; said:
I think the difference is that there is an 180 degree difference in the level of cooperation between USC and OSU. USC fought them tooth and nail the whole time.

For all the knocks about your AD, he is a former NCAA goon, I would think he has friends, knows how to work the system and the best way to go about it.

I'm hopeful you guys don't get buttsecksed into Bolivia.

Assuming the penalties aren't much worse than what's been self-imposed, expect a deluge of stories saying "Emmert was soft on tOSU because he's friends with E. Gordon Gee".

Emmert was "associate vice-chancellor for university affairs" at Colorado from '85-'92, and Gee was president at Colorado from '85-'90.
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Gatorubet;1968311; said:
Damn you and your ESPN FOI request inspiring post. :[censored]ed:

The NCAA Sixth Amendment reads, "You have a right to anal lube if we feel like it!...", which is a slight change from the other one.

:slappy: thanks gator.... I guess I should delete my post before ESPN searches and finds this and go crazy with FOI request
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Gatorubet;1968302; said:
Uh-oh. Forde says Ellis says that he has a photocopy of a 1099...

But in all seriousness, this has to be a bucket of not-fun having to defend to a row of interrupting talking heads "respecting confidentiality" as your defense to not notifying compliance when you notified a kid's mentor.

A show cause ruling would not affect tOSU in any way, since he no longer coaches, but it would be a truly sad ending to a very successful career for such a proud and respected man. The logical "out" in this is for the NCAA to pile on Tressel and move on to Auburn and Oregon.

I forgot about the show cause part. I figure if the NCAA is going to add anything, it's 2 scholarships and a show cause clause for Tressel.
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SmoovP;1968274; said:
I think the difference is that there is an 180 degree difference in the level of cooperation between USC and OSU. USC fought them tooth and nail the whole time.

For all the knocks about your AD, he is a former NCAA goon, I would think he has friends, knows how to work the system and the best way to go about it.

I'm hopeful you guys don't get buttsecksed into Bolivia.

Shouldn't be anywhere near USC.

Theirs involved 3 sports.
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