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Yahoo accusations against SEC

One of the comments in the SI page:

Again, his fault for moving off campus.

When an Airman first joins the Air Force, they live in a dorm, eat meals at the chow hall off of a meal card (and the chow hall is NOT 24-7), and get paid less than a $1000 a month (a monthly "stipend"). All this and still expected to hit the gym, work, train, deploy, etc.

I feel zero bit bad for college athletes. Small prices to pay for multi-million dollar careers.
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Not his fault. He can drive/walk to the athletic facility where the athletic dining commons are. I never saw a football player eat at the dorms and 5 of them lived on my floor the first year I went to Ohio State.

No, what Im saying is that him (Foster) having no money for food after moving off campus is his own fault. He decided to move off campus and give up his free food.
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Not his fault. He can drive/walk to the athletic facility where the athletic dining commons are. I never saw a football player eat at the dorms and 5 of them lived on my floor the first year I went to Ohio State.

He was under no obligation to move off-campus when everything was provided under the terms of his schollie on-campus. If he really wanted to move off-campus and "have food and rent money", then he needs to get a fuckin job.
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I never saw a football player eat at the dorms and 5 of them lived on my floor the first year I went to Ohio State.

I saw football players eating at mirror lake cafe constantly as well as in the south campus cafeteria, whatever that was called.

The meal plan at Ohio State for normal students was anywhere from 25-100 "swipes" (or so, back around 2004) which got you a meal at various places around campus, including several all-you-can-eat cafeterias, or about $5 worth of groceries per swipe at certain places.

I don't remember exactly, but I'm fairly certain the football players had something like 200 swipes on their meal plans per ten week quarter.

That probably goes away when the kid chooses to move out of the dorm, but if a student athlete is honestly going hungry, I don't think it would be an issue for them to get back into the dorms and back onto that meal plan.

It's probably the same at most if not all schools.


My intention was he could still get free food at the athletic facility. Moving off campus didn't remove that

I missed this the first time around. So yeah, not really much of an excuse either way.
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I agree. In no way does an athlete gain 20 pounds of muscle progressing through his collegiate year while starving. Most of these athletes are chugging down $100+ dollars worth of protein a month, and are also eating a ton of lean proteins (steak, chicken, fish, eggs, etc) throughout the entire day and snacking all the time for muscle growth. It is impossible to grow your muscles in the way a football player does without eating satisfyingly. You do NOT get as big and muscular as college football players do while eating [Mark May]ty foods like McDonalds or Wendys. He was eating just fine.

Re: The coach brought Foster and three others 50 tacos, Foster said in the documentary while chuckling at the thought that that the action constituted an NCAA violation.

Apparently he eat a few tacos.

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What recruits does Tennessee have that we want?
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