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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

FrancisSawyer;1320543; said:
I was pretty happy with his passes yesterday. He's getting some velocity on them instead of lobbing them up. Accuracy was pretty good as well.

you are being very kind IMO. I was at the game and he was cronically underthrowing the ball. there were at least three plays that i can think of that would have been 6 if the ball was put in the right place. with that said, his last TD pass was a thing of beauty.
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I was looking at Pryor's stats this year, and decided to look at Tebow's stats from 2006 as a comparison. These are Tebow's final stats, and Terrelle's current stats with 3 games to go.

Tebow passing: 22-33 (66.7%), 358 yards (10.8 avg), 5 TD, 1 INT (201.73 rating)

Pryor passing: 84-129 (65.1%), 1,076 yards (8.3 avg), 9 TD, 3 INT (153.55 rating)

Tebow rushing: 89 carries, 469 yards (5.3 avg), 8 TD

Pryor rushing: 103 carries, 450 yards (4.4 avg), 5 TD

Obviously Tebow's stats came in the back-up role during obvious 'high reward' type situations, as Pryor's also started out that way. As the next 3 games are played, Pryor has a chance to improve some of his numbers avg wise, and compares very favorably to the only sophomore to ever win the Heisman Trophy. Given the unpredictable world of college football these days, Tebow could very well steal another Heisman this year, and match Archie's sole distinction. If that happens, our hopes to re-match the Gators rest on a player that will be entering his sophomore, should I say "Heisman" season, with 10 starts already under his belt.
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schwab;1320625; said:
I was looking at Pryor's stats this year, and decided to look at Tebow's stats from 2006 as a comparison. These are Tebow's final stats, and Terrelle's current stats with 3 games to go.

Tebow passing: 22-33 (66.7%), 358 yards (10.8 avg), 5 TD, 1 INT (201.73 rating)

Pryor passing: 84-129 (65.1%), 1,076 yards (8.3 avg), 9 TD, 3 INT (153.55 rating)

Tebow rushing: 89 carries, 469 yards (5.3 avg), 8 TD

Pryor rushing: 103 carries, 450 yards (4.4 avg), 5 TD

Obviously Tebow's stats came in the back-up role, as Pryor's also started out that way. As the next 3 games are played, Pryor has a chance to improve some of his numbers avg wise, and compares very favorably to the only sophomore to ever win the Heisman Trophy. Given the unpredictable world of college football these days, Tebow could very well steal another Heisman this year, and match Archie's sole distinction. If that happens, our hopes to re-match the Gators rest on a player that will be entering his sophomore, should I say "Heisman" season, with 10 starts already under his belt.

Good stuff... I think Pryor's rushing stats will only improve against weak D's in Illinois and Michigan...
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Pryor's progression was very noticeable IMO. He's also doing a better job when pressure is around him to move horizontally rather than running backward to buy time. I think Pryor's biggest game of the year will be in our bowl game IMO with all that time off to work on things and install more plays in the gameplan.

In saying that I think he does about the NW game for both Illinois/Michigan.
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bukIpower;1320668; said:
Pryor's progression was very noticeable IMO. He's also doing a better job when pressure is around him to move horizontally rather than running backward to buy time. I think Pryor's biggest game of the year will be in our bowl game IMO with all that time off to work on things and install more plays in the gameplan.

In saying that I think he does about the NW game for both Illinois/Michigan.

I agree. with how he developed over the bye week I think he could explode for the bowl game and really put his name out there.

And it'd be great if he could replicate the NW game for Illinois and Michigan. I think the Illini are really going to be up for the game next week along with Juice who is very very dangerous. OSU will have to put up 30+ pts IMO. Pryor getting 200yds and 3 TDs through the air would be clutch.

I really think he could tear up UM to the tune of 300 total yards and 5 TDs. We will have to see though. OSU can't take UM lightly.
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OregonBuckeye;1320632; said:
And most of Tebow's passing stats came against Western Carolina.

Tebow also had the most important thing of all, an offensive line that could block on a regular basis.

Hate to say that about our guys, but it's true. Florida's line was better than the one Pryor is behind. Pryor's doing a great job.
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Illinois is very dangerous... and to be honest I still think of Michigan as Michigan. Meaning they've ruined our season before and what a better way for them to put an end to an other wise miserable season than to pretty much end ours.

Illinois is really banged up thats for sure and we have to come out and just get after them. Were we've gone wrong the past two seasons against Illinois is our lack of aggression and emotion. We've got to be the aggressors this week or it'll once again be a nail biter against an inferior opponent.

As for michigan they have no QB but their running game still worries me. Not the talent they have, but the play calling in general. Plus their defensive line should hold up decently to our line (considering our line is not that good) which should make things decently tough for wells to run. So these two games are not gimmie's by any means.
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It looks to me as though Pryor's pocket presence is getting much better. But is it only me that feels that against NW we threw down field so many times because Pryor is incapable of throwing intermediate passes? Or could it be that the defense had to overcompensate for the rushing attack and kept giving us man to man?

Regardless, I am hesitant to call this a breakout game.
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ScarletStorms;1320887; said:
It looks to me as though Pryor's pocket presence is getting much better. But is it only me that feels that against NW we threw down field so many times because Pryor is incapable of throwing intermediate passes? Or could it be that the defense had to overcompensate for the rushing attack and kept giving us man to man?

Regardless, I am hesitant to call this a breakout game.

My view is this: a play is called, from the sideline to the huddle. The huddle breaks, the ball is snapped. What happens after that is anyone's guess.

Paging donberry....
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