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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

He really came out with a chip on his shoulder like I thought he would and played on heck of a game. Not only throwing the ball, but also deciding on when to run the ball as well. His third down decision making was perfect, and if he can continue to progress you're looking at a very dangerous offense (obvious hu?)
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Great game for T.P. today. He is starting to show more and more of that freak like talent that he has. I think that Randall Cunningham's style is more comparable to him than Young. Pryor is making plays with his arm that Troy Smith was making late in his junior season.
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utgrad73;1320036; said:
I think he did pretty good. :biggrin:

Yeah he bounced back very well and I'm very happy with how he is progressing. THe one play was os impressive also when he shook off the sack and dodged another player and then found a TE open. THat a play Troy would've made as a late junior/early senior. Extremely impressive.

He's throwing the ball better but still needs to work on his deep passes. He still throwing them too short. I'm surprised on how open OSU's WRs are getting on the fly patterns and Pryor is making them stop and go up for the catch. There might be a safety behind them that we can't see too, so that might be a reason.

Other than that his passing is going very well and his 3rd down conversions were great.
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1926Buckeyes;1320356; said:
He's throwing the ball better but still needs to work on his deep passes. He still throwing them too short. I'm surprised on how open OSU's WRs are getting on the fly patterns and Pryor is making them stop and go up for the catch. There might be a safety behind them that we can't see too, so that might be a reason.

He's got work to do, sure. But man is he progressing fast or what? It seems like he grows weekly. The deep ball isn't great yet, but the intermediate stuff is so much better already. That throw down the sideline to Hartline where he rolled right to avoid the rush...beautiful ball on the money. And the TD in the corner to Robo was a very nice ball.

This kid is like a sponge just taking it all in.

That TD to Rory...sick man. I was sitting there saying, "you've got to be kidding."

Yeah UT...he's pretty good. :wink2:
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He only had 1 or 2 bad passes yesterday. 1 comes to mind was a deep ball to Robo that was underthrown. However, 95% of his passes were crisp and right on the money. The Robo TD in the corner, the Nicol diving catch, and Hartlines grab after the scramble were beautiful. We are in for a real treat for the rest of the year and the years to come with TP taking snaps
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Northwestern and Ohio State, as part of the Big Ten schedule rotation, don't play for the next two years. Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald knows that, and he knows he may never see Pryor again, not if the freshman goes pro after his junior year.

"You know, it won't break my heart if we don't play him again," Fitzgerald said. :slappy:
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He's got work to do, sure. But man is he progressing fast or what? It seems like he grows weekly.

I agree. He threw the ball better yesterday. I did not get to see the whole game, what I did see I was impressed. I complained early in the year about the jump balls he was throwing deep. I did not see a lot of that yesterday. Very nice to see.
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Taosman;1320397; said:
Northwestern and Ohio State, as part of the Big Ten schedule rotation, don't play for the next two years. Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald knows that, and he knows he may never see Pryor again, not if the freshman goes pro after his junior year.

"You know, it won't break my heart if we don't play him again," Fitzgerald said. :slappy:
i agree the long throw to whoever around the 2 yard-line, but the receiver put himself into a bad position and fell. it should have been a touchdown.
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I can't think you could ask for a better progression for a QB. In the first game we pretty much got what we expected, knowing what he did in HS. In that game it seemed that he was only going to his first receiver and then running. By the Troy game, you could see obvious check down completions. The "complaints" there were taking deep sacks and needing to work on pass velocity. By the PSU game the bad sacks were quite rare but there was still a lot of air under the passes. This game, I don't remember him taking a bad sack and the passes were much more on time and much more veloicty appropriate to the situation.

It seems like everything we talk about, that should be impoved, by the next few games, it's done. Can't ask for better than that.

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thanks for the highlights, Vest. I had left Fricker's before the last TD, so this is the first time I saw it. Sweet stuff, nice cutbacks.

If the line play keeps getting better then there will be more of this kind of cutback run --- not just the Beanie type of power play. Another threat for Illinois and scUM to prep for.

Let's crush Illinois!
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His passes were not only better, but his mechanics seem to have changed. There is less of a pushing motion and more of a (although not completely) follow through.

This has happened after just two weeks off practice. I am pretty optimistic about the future, especially with 4 or 5 WR on the field.
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