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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

ScarletBlood31;731617; said:
That's awesome. Seeing him wear an Ohio State Football shirt to a big award ceremony can only be a good thing.

on the other hand, recalling our recent track record, we've been on the wrong end of these "shirt" lucks...... :ohwell: but hey it's still a good sign....


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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Chasing Pryor

Jeannette football coach Ray Reitz used the word "crazy" to describe the past few weeks at the school as big-time college coaches are showing up to express their interest in heavily recruited junior quarterback-defensive back Terrelle Pryor.

Pitt coach Dave Wannstedt was in a school office with Reitz Friday while Notre Dame assistant Ron Powlus waited outside.

Ohio State coach Jim Tressel came to Jeannette earlier in the week. Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and Wisconsin coach Bret Bielama also have stopped by in recent weeks, as well as numerous assistant coaches.

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Class of '08

Don't want this post to appear as a ginx, and i know it's early, but with the talent that is in the '08 ohio class as well as, the talent that appears to be "favoring" osu across the country, '08 is the buckeyes year. Top five class next year will more than make up for the pitfalls that we've gone through this year.
:oh: :io:
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Don't get me wrong, I surely hope it is the Buckeye's year next year, but that is what has been said in previous years and it hasn't worked out. I'm skeptical, but hopeful (If that isn't enough of a contradiction).
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