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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

wadc45;725750; said:
The sense I get is that the tools are there for Henton, now it's just picking up the game...I reckon Pryor will go through much of the same.

And FWIW, the "insiders" I have talked to (who know that area of PA and have ties to TSUN) have said that Pitt is not as much of a threat for Pryor as most would think, and that while OSU is sitting in good shape at this VERY early stage, PSU is the school to watch.

I know PSU can recruit... but their basketball program is terrible... and they just do not develop QBs... It took them 5 years to finally realize they had a legit dual threat talent in Michael Robinson... Meanwhile we just developed a Heisman trophy dual threat...

I hope our staff is blunt with him and points this out...

I only think Pitt will be a big factor because he already committ once to them, it's close to home, and if he starts favoring Bball again.. Pitt is a great choice..

And yes I do think Pryor in his 2nd or 3rd season will be better than Henton in his junior or senior year...
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According to Pryor, all five of the main contenders have told him they would take him as a quarterback and for both sports. The top in-state quarterback last year, Pat Devlin, redshirted this past year at Penn State; and Pitt is about to officially sign this year?s top in-state quarterback, Pat Bostick. Though both are considered excellent prospects, Pryor is rated higher than both Devlin and Bostick. But both will also likely be sophomores during Pryor?s freshman year, giving them a head start in any battle. Things are even tougher at Notre Dame, where the Fighting Irish are welcoming the consensus No. 1 player in the country, quarterback Jimmy Clausen, and at Michigan, who welcomes the consensus No. 2 quarterback in the country, Ryan Mallet.

Pryor admits that he has noticed who each school has at the quarterback position, and while confident, he says he wants to play right away.

Notice which school is missing from the list of top QB recruits? :oh:
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Rivals $


From the Michigan site...Michigan, Florida, Ohio State, Penn State, Pitt, West Virginia, Clemson, Nebraska, Notre Dame and Connecticut have offered for football. He is favoring Notre Dame, Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State.
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In fact the same guy who wrote the big article that I posted above called Pryor after that Rivals article came out and Pryor said those were just the four that have been talking to him the most lately. He said he has no top list and hasn't even really started thinking about it yet. Which is what I was hearing from people in Jeannette, too. They said they kid hasn't even starting taking any of this seriously yet.
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Would big offers like USC, Texas, Florida etc. change anything? Sounds like he wants to stay close to home, but if he goes to any camps this summer, he'll probably get offers from every "elite" program in the country...
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CleveBucks;726659; said:
Notice which school is missing from the list of top QB recruits? :oh:

I guess that's the brightside of not being currently involved with signing top-flight quarterbacks :biggrin: .

I hope that he would give tOSU the edge over Pitt as far as giving him more exposure, and playing better competition and having a chance to win a championship, and play with future NFL players.

I'm not saying that would be the only reason, or even really an important reason, just an edge that would go to tOSU.
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He said he doesn't want to go far from home and people who know him say he really feels comfortable where he is. He has moved around a lot and now he wants to stay close. Are we close enough? I don't know. But that's why many people in Jeannette think Pitt, PSU, or maybe us if he wants to go a little further. I know Columbus is just as close to him as PSU, but PSU is almost considered a local school because there are so many alums in the Pittsburgh area. If he wants to leave the state, it will be us. But he may not want to.
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