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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

BGriffBuckeye;725501; said:
If Bauserman does come back, and Henton doesn't transfer if he loses out this year to Boeckman or Schoenhoft... Terrelle has the size and speed to be one helluva WR. However, he would also be a great weapon at QB. So, wherever the coaches decide to play him, I will go with it, assuming thatis his best position. He plays basketball, so one would have to go with the notion he has prettyg ood hands and great athleticism and would know how to "go up and get it" on a afade route or a throw over the middle, while shielding off the defender. Plus, at WR, it would give him a better chance of playing basketball.

So, what you're saying is just trust the coaches on this one. :wink2:
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Let's just get this guy signed. I hope Tressel works his magic with this kid, because I know that none of us, or anyone with the University, would want to be regretting losing him to another team, and watching him become a star there.

With that said, I only want him at tOSU if he wants to be a Buckeye, but let's just hope that he does :biggrin: .
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If he redshirts, what are the implications for overall athletic eligibility should he wish to be a two sport athlete? (If he redshirts in football, but then takes the court for a game or more in Basketball, does that count against his overall eligibility?)

I'm sure those details could be worked on, worked out. Hope they are.

If the play is up to the print then getting a commit from Pryor would be a real coup, getting an early one a great way to start the class.
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Buckeyecty4;725484; said:
Your making the assumption that his progression as a QB wont be hindered by having to spend half his practice time learning/playing another position...

Well he is also looking to play bball at first so it isnt like he is going to be able to devote all his time to becoming a QB...

I think Griff brings up a great point that if we bring Bauserman back he might have to wait till his senior year to play QB so if they think Bauserman is going to stay ahead of Pryor, that would leave Pryor as either waiting for one year of PT at QB or getting some major time at WR and also playing bball as well...

Also as we all know all this speculation is fun, but lets hope that the staff can get him in here...

I think it is going to be a PSU/Pitt/tOSU/Mich battle...
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crazybuckfan40;725645; said:
Well he is also looking to play bball at first so it isnt like he is going to be able to devote all his time to becoming a QB...

Different sports, different seasons. I wouldn't compare the conflicts of dealing with two different positions in the same practice rather than two different sports, during different sporting seasons.

crazybuckfan40;725645; said:
I think Griff brings up a great point that if we bring Bauserman back he might have to wait till his senior year to play QB so if they think Bauserman is going to stay ahead of Pryor, that would leave Pryor as either waiting for one year of PT at QB or getting some major time at WR and also playing bball as well...

If Pryor is as good as people say he is, then there's no way he'll be taking a back seat to anybody when he is ready, especially during his prime years (late sophomore through senior). Bauserman may be a talented athlete, but he won't be beating out Pryor for the job unless he is even more exceptional, or Pryor turns out to be overrated.
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ScarletBlood31;725649; said:
Different sports, different seasons. I wouldn't compare the conflicts of dealing with two different positions in the same practice rather than two different sports, during different sporting seasons.
He'll likely miss almost the entire winter and spring workouts/practices if he's playing basketball.
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ScarletBlood31;725649; said:
Different sports, different seasons. I wouldn't compare the conflicts of dealing with two different positions in the same practice rather than two different sports, during different sporting seasons.

I know it is not the same, but he will still miss winter conditioning and getting ready for spring ball due to bball...

If Pryor is as good as people say he is, then there's no way he'll be taking a back seat to anybody when he is ready, especially during his prime years (late sophomore through senior). Bauserman may be a talented athlete, but he won't be beating out Pryor for the job unless he is even more exceptional, or Pryor turns out to be overrated.

Not saying he is taking a backseat, but Bauserman could be a great leader due to his age when he would take over the spot and he could be a great distributer of the ball especially if they have a guy like Pryor on the outside...

Keep in mind I am in no way saying Pryor won't be a QB, just merely pointing out the other side of his versatility as an athlete...
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I still dont think people are giving this kid enough cred... Your all assuming guys like Henton and Bauserman would keep him on the bench... Im of the belief that this kid will be hands down a better Qb than both of these kids within a year or two at OSU...

I think it's goin to be a OSU vs Pitt battle... PSU battling to get into the mix..
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Buckeyecty4;725740; said:
I still dont think people are giving this kid enough cred... Your all assuming guys like Henton and Bauserman would keep him on the bench... Im of the belief that this kid will be hands down a better Qb than both of these kids within a year or two at OSU...

I think it's goin to be a OSU vs Pitt battle... PSU battling to get into the mix..

So you think that in Pryor's frosh or redshirt frosh/sophmore year that he is going to be better than Henton as a junior or senior...

Henton has been raved about in practices and reports from practices...

Keep in mind that Bauserman is in the very early stages of even getting talk and he hasnt played for a couple years...The hope for him would be his age and maturity much like guys like Chris Weinke with FSU...
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The sense I get is that the tools are there for Henton, now it's just picking up the game...I reckon Pryor will go through much of the same.

And FWIW, the "insiders" I have talked to (who know that area of PA and have ties to TSUN) have said that Pitt is not as much of a threat for Pryor as most would think, and that while OSU is sitting in good shape at this VERY early stage, PSU is the school to watch.
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wadc45;725750; said:
The sense I get is that the tools are there for Henton, now it's just picking up the game...I reckon Pryor will go through much of the same.

And FWIW, the "insiders" I have talked to (who know that area of PA and have ties to TSUN) have said that Pitt is not as much of a threat for Pryor as most would think, and that while OSU is sitting in good shape at this VERY early stage, PSU is the school to watch.

I agree...I like where we stand at the moment...I would love for Adams and Brewster to contact him and try and pull him in...
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