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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

BuckeyeTillIDie;740127; said:

how many scholarships will we have next year? Giving out 14 or 15 this year makes me think we'd have a lot more for next season, then again I do not know much :biggrin:

I think we're looking at about 14 if Rolle bails. Maybe 15-16 if some Juniors leave early.
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casey_buckeye;740110; said:
It will almost be impossible to get a top 5 class due to low number of spaces available.

It can be done. Look at USC. There in the top 5 and only have 15 commits.

Between Mr. Pryor, the block O, and some super talent in state, this up coming recruiting thing should be fun (cross your fingers, knock on wood, avoid ladders, etc...)
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I don't think Lloyd is wasting too much time here...it's like us and Baldwin. There may be some token mailers/phone calls and/or visits, but that will be about it.
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I'd have to imagine you guys would have a better shot at Baldwin than we do at Pryor.

I know that the guy who covers PA over on Scout loves Pryor on defense. I don't know why though. While I don't think that his arm is great I do think that it's good enough to play QB. If he can continue to imrpove his game and continue to make some strides in the passing game you could be looking at another Vince Young. Vince Young wasn't a good passer by any means when he got to Texas, but he left Texas a pretty good one.
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It's eay to compare a tall, young, athletic quarterback to Vince Young right now...but after watching Terrelle's film the similarities really are uncanny. He really looks like Vince Light at this early stage. Similar delivery...similar footwork...similar pocket prescence...similar escapabillity.
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First time posting on this thread, so dont know if it has been discussed.

If we get Pryor, do you think he is good enough to be the starter for the following year after this upcoming year, even though our new starter for this year will have some experience?
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zBuckeye10z;741187; said:
First time posting on this thread, so dont know if it has been discussed.

If we get Pryor, do you think he is good enough to be the starter for the following year after this upcoming year, even though our new starter for this year will have some experience?

I don't think so. Like most young QB's he'll need time. Pryor needs to develop in the passing game. I think it'd suite him best to redshirt in 2008. Most QB's aren't ready to come in and play as true freshman, but I think it rings true especially for Pryor. He's not a polished product like say Mark Sanchez or Jimmy Clausen.
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