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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

Ginn has tremendous potential, but DJ is by far the #1 returning WR in my book.
True, but the question wasn't "who is the #1 returning WR", it was, "which WR would you most want to have on your team". To my interpretation, the former question would only take into account past WR production, whereas the latter would take into consideration expectations for production next year (potential), as well as other contributions, like Ginn's special teams. Jarrett is the #1 returning wideout, or at least well ahead of Ginn, but if you were building a team for next year, do you consider it a slam dunk that you would take Jarrett?
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True, but the question wasn't "who is the #1 returning WR", it was, "which WR would you most want to have on your team". To my interpretation, the former question would only take into account past WR production, whereas the latter would take into consideration expectations for production next year (potential), as well as other contributions, like Ginn's special teams. Jarrett is the #1 returning wideout, or at least well ahead of Ginn, but if you were building a team for next year, do you consider it a slam dunk that you would take Jarrett?
taking into account only WR skills, yes. I know what I'm getting with Jarrett, I'm not sure what I'll get at WR from Ginn against Texas.
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taking into account only WR skills, yes.
Again, though, that wasn't the question. If Ginn had never returned a punt or kickoff, I doubt he would have been included in that poll. I do see what you're saying. Jarrett is an outstanding, established wideout, whereas Ginn really isn't established as such. But the question requires that you take the total package - potential, other contributions - into consideration.
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2006 CFN All-America

2006 CFN Preseason Second Team All-American
Ted Ginn, Jr. Ohio State

How in the livin hell did Breaston make the "Preseason #1 Return man in college football"? I understand he has good stats, but Ginn Jr. is so great at returning that the announcers hype it up EVERY time there is a punt of a kick comming his way. He is currently tied for the Big Tens punt return TD record, and already has broke both the BigTen freshman record and OSU all-time return for TD record. This is outrageous...if anything, with Holmes gone, Ginn will have more chances to take it to the house in 2006.
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1]If you're the captain of a two-hand touch football team in a 7 on 7 type format, who are the 7 best college football players from last year to have on your team. The catch is that even though a player may be great in pads he might not be the best for this game. Example: Michael Bush or Adrian Petersen probably wouldn't be the best players for the game, while a player like Reggie Bush or Javon Ringer may have been better suited for the game. You have 5 downs to go 50 yards and quarterbacks can only run if there is a blitz. The defense can only blitz 1 down per series. P.S. your players have to go both ways just like a classic game of two-hand touch in the park. – Julian

A: You’re absolutely right in wanting the quickest players you could find. No big shock here; Vince Young and Reggie Bush would be locks. I’d add former Clemson defensive back Tye Hill for his speed and versatility and former Maryland tight end Vernon Davis to be a lineman who’d be deadly releasing into pass patterns. Former Miami WR Sinorice Moss would be absolutely unstoppable. Ted Ginn Jr. would be my do-it-all player I’d use just about everywhere. For my final player, I’d want a fast, athletic lineman for both sides of the ball. Who better than Mario Williams? Imagine trying to get around those long arms to get to VY.

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Already saw it, wasnt that spectacular of a segment.

Not spectacular at all, but I did take 4 things away from it:

1) Hes a VERY humble kid

2) He said he will be asking Tressel for a few shots at QB this season.

3) Pat Forde gave him 15-1 odds on winning the Heisman. Pat said that he would need 60 rec, 1000+ yds, 10+ TDs, multiple KR/PR TDs, and big game at Texas and Michigan.

4) He has the "athletic arrogance" that is said to be a dominant factor for our outstanding players from OSU.
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