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WR James Louis (transfer to FIU)

Andre Thaddies thinks James Louis sticks to Ohio State
by Jason Lieser

Atlantic coach Andre Thaddies does not believe his alma mater, or anyone else, has a chance to steal wide receiver James Louis from Ohio State.

Thaddies, who played for Minnesota, predicts Louis will sign with the Buckeyes today.

?I?m Ohio State on this one,? he said. ?He hasn?t told me anything different. He filled out his application for Ohio State the other day.?

Louis (6-0, 185, No. 6 on The Big Board) has been pursued by Florida, Virginia Tech, North Carolina and other schools recently. He scheduled a visit to Virginia Tech, which likely will sign Atlantic quarterback Mark Leal, but never made the trip.

Thaddies spoke with Ohio State coaches this week and said they are very confident they will land Louis.

Louis caught 39 passes for 650 yards and nine touchdowns during his senior season with the Eagles

Andre Thaddies thinks James Louis sticks to Ohio State | High School Buzz
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Receiver dumping Buckeyes for Gophers

05:30 AM ET 02.03 | Atlantic High School (Fla.) four-star wide receiver James Louis said on his Facebook page that he wanted to join his high school teammate Donnell Kirkwood at Minnesota. Kirkwood, a three-star running back, is already committed to the Gophers. Louis made an oral commitment to play for the Buckeyes last summer, but he visited Minnesota in October. He also visited Virginia Tech and Florida.
St. Paul Pioneer Press

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Fail. :slappy:
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