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WR James Louis (transfer to FIU)

Buckskin86;1654799; said:

Atlantic WR James Louis picks Ohio State; Heritage's Darius Millines to be a receiver at Illinois

Nice shirt.
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This is something I'm unable to grasp. If a guy has offers from some of the likes of Alabama, Ohio State, Florida, Georgia, etc, at a position like receiver, RB, or QB, why is he not a five star? If Tressel, Saban, Meyer, and Richt want him, I'd say he is a five star
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southcampus;1657290; said:
This is something I'm unable to grasp. If a guy has offers from some of the likes of Alabama, Ohio State, Florida, Georgia, etc, at a position like receiver, RB, or QB, why is he not a five star? If Tressel, Saban, Meyer, and Richt want him, I'd say he is a five star

It's a lot like McShay and Kiper calling an NFL draft pick a "reach." Hey, if you're so good at evaluating talent, why aren't you a GM (or in college's case, a recruiting coordinator). Don't get me wrong, I think most of these recruiting guru guys do the best job they can, and generally do a good job overall. But, it's not some sort of objective framework in which they work.. it's subjective. ... and it's guess work, a lot of the time...
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And, while not at all relevent in THIS case, when schools do not get to report on offers while the student athletes do, you can end up with some pretty strange situations....

See: Hart, Kevin

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2SU7v9nxfs]YouTube - Kevin Hart story part 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SBM_uDsx_0&feature=related]YouTube - Kevin Hart story part 2[/ame]

And yes, I do know better :)
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Louis is one of the best two-way players that I have seen this year. I know that he is being recruited by a lot of schools to play wide receiver, but he is one of the best lockdown cover cornerbacks that I have seen this year.

With over 40 scholarship offers, Louis is one of the best players in the country...period. As a junior, he grabbed 56 balls for 1,128 yards and 12 touchdowns with a great 20.1 yards per catch average. He only had two interceptions on defense, but he had numerous pass break ups and most teams never threw into his area.

I think that Louis can play for the Buckeyes as a true freshman and do not be surprises if he plays on both sides of the football before he leaves for the NFL.
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