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WR James Louis (transfer to FIU)

Atlantic WR James Louis picks Ohio State; Heritage's Darius Millines to be a receiver at Illinois
By Bill Meredith
Special to Neighborhood Post
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010

DELRAY BEACH ? Atlantic wide receiver James Louis wore a red shirt to the school's signing day press conference Wednesday, providing a clue that he planned to attend Ohio State.

Florida was Louis' first choice, but the Gators nullified his commitment. By signing with the Buckeyes, he ended recent speculation that he'd changed his mind in favor of Virginia Tech or Minnesota.

The 6-foot, 185-pound receiver, who caught 39 passes for 650 yards and nine touchdowns as a senior, was ranked No. 6 among the Palm Beach Post's top area recruits. Laughing and animated as he posed for photos with more than a dozen family members, Louis certainly wasn't lacking in confidence regarding his college career.

"I plan to score 15 touchdowns in my first season," he said.

Atlantic WR James Louis picks Ohio State; Heritage's Darius Millines to be a receiver at Illinois
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Louis is a PERFECT compliament to what Corey Brown and Tyrone Williams bring to the table. I can't wait to get this kid on the field.

In my opinion, we upgraded our WR corps more than any other position today.
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buckeyeinfla;1654312; said:
this WR class is strong...

One of the strongest in the nation. Very promising. We have receivers who fit every kind of mold. Tyrone gives size, Louis gives a fast deep threat, Brown gives us a solid possession receiver, also with speed. Very exciting.

Running back ain't bad either with Rod Smith, and then a redshirted Jamaal Berry, and of course Carlos Hyde. While we didn't get the best of the best in the trenches, we got ourselves some very great playmakers...
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Atlantic WR James Louis picks Ohio State; Heritage's Darius Millines to be a receiver at Illinois
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Some lessons learned as recruiting comes to an end ? for now
Atlantic coach takes pride in his commits who didn't flip-flop
February 4, 2010

The four D-I signees for Atlantic -- Mark Leal with Virginia Tech, James Louis with Ohio State, Donnell Kirkwood with Minnesota and Quadarias Mireles with Ole Miss -- stuck with their verbal commitments and did not flip-flop on their decisions like so many others around the country have done in recent weeks leading up to signing day. That's another thing that made Thaddies proud.

"I'm not big into flipping hats," Thaddies said. "That's not going to happen at our school."

That's why Thaddies advises his players not to verbally commit to any school too early. He thinks it's "crazy" to commit during your junior year, as has become more commonplace.

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